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Idea: Trading units with other civs

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  • Idea: Trading units with other civs

    Has the idea of making a unit-trading option ever come up? There is already a feature that allows you to gift units, but you get nothing in return. There could be a mercenary option on the trade screen where you could trade existing units for money, tech, whatever. The units would then "warp" to the closest territory of the recieving civ (must have trade network, same as goods). Maybe you could even contract to supply with such and such every how many turns. If you couldn't meet demand, deal was off. This could help alot if you needed units fast (presuming you had a friend of course). Also, this would help you affect the course of a war that you do not want to get completly involved in. This has happened many times throughout the course of history.
    Examples: The British hired German mercs during American Revolution (Battle of Trenton I think?). The Americans supplied the Brits with supplies, weapons, and even pilots during WWII long before 12/7/1941. During the Cold War, the US was constantly supplying ****ries under threat of Comunism with weapons and training (Afganistan for example).

    Any comments? Anyone want to build on this?

  • #2
    I know a team in the MP demo game that would love this...

    A Mercenary Team, anyone?
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist

