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Medic promotion -- healing questions

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  • Medic promotion -- healing questions

    Didn't see this addressed anywhere.

    1.) Can a transport with the "medic I" promotion heal land-based units it carries?

    2.) Can a land unit with the "medic I" promotion that is inside a transport help heal sea units in the same square?

    3.) Can a land unit with the "medic II" promotion that is inside a transport help heal land units in transports in an ADJACENT sea square?

    4.) Can a non-transport sea unit with the "medic I" promotion help heal land-based units in a transport in the same sea square?

    5.) Can a sea unit with the "medic II" promotion in a coastal square help heal units in an adjacent land square?

    6.) Can a land unit with Medic II in a land square next to a coastal square help heal naval units in that adjacent coastal square?
    "The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."

    -Matt Groenig

  • #2
    more healing questions

    I got some more:

    1) If a land unit in a trasport has the medic promotion, but not the "heal while moving" promotion, does it heal the other units (land and sea) in the same tile while the boats move?

    2) Does the "heal adjacent" promo affect units adjactent to the healing unit if THOSE units are moving?

    3) I know that multiple units with the basic medic promo don't stack, but would a "heal adjacent" stack with a "medic" in the square next door?

    Thanks guys, this site rocks!!
    Listen to my radio show. Saturdays 6-7pm Pacific time.


    • #3
      Most of these seem to be variations. So far as I know, it works like this. To heal, a unit must be stationary. The amount it heals is modified by its location (very little in enemy territory, more in neutral territory, the most in your own), and the presence of the Medic promotion (in the same square for Medic I, same or adjacent for Medic II). So, the moving unit with Medic II would help heal units in adjacent squares, SO LONG AS THOSE UNITS ARE STATIONARY. I don't think it differentiates between land and sea units for this. I'm pretty sure the transport with Medic will heal land units it carries, as long as those units don't move themselves (in other words, load or unload from the boat). The March promotion simply means you heal all the time, whether you move or not. I can't be sure, but I think it bases the amount on the square where you end the turn.
      Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


      • #4
        Re: Medic promotion -- healing questions

        Lets see if I can explain this...

        The base healing rate is:
        5% hostile.
        10% neutral.
        15% friendly.
        20% city.
        30% city with hospital.

        A unit with MEDIC basically adds a "medic bonus" to the tile, or the tile and all adjacant tiles for MEDIC II. This bonus adds 10% to the healing rate of all units that can heal in the tile, medics add the bonus to the tile regardless of whether they have moved or not.

        Units can heal if they stay in one tile for the entire turn - if they move or get moved by a transport they don't heal, they are allowed to defend, but not attack. The exception is units with March, they always heal regardless of what they have done, sit, attack, move, get transported - doesn't matter, they heal. March by itself does not add any heal bonus, so a March unit in enemy territory only heals 5% a turn, unless accompained by a medic, in which case it will heal 15%. There is no need for the medic to also have March.

        Rule of Thumb:
        Medics heal units that havn't moved even on turns the medic itself moves. Move medics to hurt units, not vice-verca.

        I'm going to use a mod I made to test all the cases you outline above. I believe it'll be mostly "Yes", as in medics aren't fussy about the domain of units, medics heal everything. I'll test just to make sure though.


        • #5
          Okay here's the findings:

          Being loaded into a transport counts as being moved. Important for testing since freshly created units in a transport immediately get loaded and thus wont heal the first turn .

          MedicII is semi Domain Sensitive. A Medic on the water heals all units on the water. A medic on the land heals all units on the land. It doesn't matter if the unit is 'native' to that domain or not. Ergo, a MedicII transport in a city will heal units on adjacant land units, but not units in adjacant sea tiles. A MedicII warrior in a transport at sea, will heal all units in adjacant sea tiles (be they ships or units inside ships), but not units on adjacant land tiles.

          1.) Can a transport with the "medic I" promotion heal land-based units it carries?
          Yes, as long as it doesn't move or the carried units have March.

          2.) Can a land unit with the "medic I" promotion that is inside a transport help heal sea units in the same square?

          3.) Can a land unit with the "medic II" promotion that is inside a transport help heal land units in transports in an ADJACENT sea square?

          4.) Can a non-transport sea unit with the "medic I" promotion help heal land-based units in a transport in the same sea square?

          5.) Can a sea unit with the "medic II" promotion in a coastal square help heal units in an adjacent land square?
          No, it could if it were in a city instead.

          6.) Can a land unit with Medic II in a land square next to a coastal square help heal naval units in that adjacent coastal square?

          1) If a land unit in a trasport has the medic promotion, but not the "heal while moving" promotion, does it heal the other units (land and sea) in the same tile while the boats move?
          It will heal units that havn't moved in the tile it ends it's turn on, and units that have march. For example if a transport is carrying a heal warrior and a SEAL, and ends it's turn on a hurt destroyer that is sitting still healing. The SEAL and the Destroyer will heal and benefit from the medic, the warrior and the transport wont heal (as they moved and don't have March).

          2) Does the "heal adjacent" promo affect units adjactent to the healing unit if THOSE units are moving?
          No, unless the moving units have March.

          3) I know that multiple units with the basic medic promo don't stack, but would a "heal adjacent" stack with a "medic" in the square next door?
          Nope. Medics don't do any healing by themselves, they just enable units to heal themselves 10% faster. So units either have access to a medic or they don't.


          • #6
            Thanks, Blake. I hadn't tested those, so it's nice to have some hard facts rather than just observations made while playing games. I thought the transports would still heal carried units while moving. Now I know differently.
            Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


            • #7
              Thank you so much for your help on this one! You guys rock!
              "The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."

              -Matt Groenig


              • #8
                Thanks guys
                Listen to my radio show. Saturdays 6-7pm Pacific time.


                • #9
                  Do freshly conquered cities still in revolt count as friendly?


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      I am not sure about the "friendly" status of freshly conquered cities because I remember that I could not upgrade units in such cities.
                      This might be due to not beeng connected to the trade network however.
                      Quendelie axan!

