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  • Demo

    I am looking for an RP game to play and wondered if anyone knew if there was a demo of civ 4 that I could try out before I buy it. I really want to buy World of Warcraft, but my roomie ( who happens to be an ex GRRR) had basically told me I cant play that while I still live here because it is his game and does not want me there so trying to compromise...still gonna buy wow and play when move out though to heck with him! Anyway, if anyone could help me out with this I would be grateful thanks!


  • #2
    Here's the demo but you should know two things first:

    1) Civ4 isn't what I would call a roleplaying game.
    2) Living with an ex is ALWAYS a bad idea.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      The demo is here

      RIAA sucks
      The Optimistas
      I'm a political cartoonist


      • #4
        LotharZ, you beat me...

        Originally posted by LotharZ
        Here's the demo but you should know two things first:

        1) Civ4 isn't what I would call a roleplaying game.
        2) Living with an ex is ALWAYS a bad idea.

        Good luck!
        Good advices, gamegirl.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #5


          • #6
            Gamegirl, you appear to be more intelligent than a retarded monkey.
            Because of this, I offer you this advice:
            Don't play World of Warcraft.
            More importantly, don't play any Co-operative RPGs.
            The average intelligence of people on the internet is approximately 5% Intelligent Human, 5% Human, 90% Retarded Howler Monkey.
            Any team games will prove to be annoying if you cannot determine a person's skill level before teaming with them.

            If you want a Roleplaying game, I'd go with the latest incarnation of Fable, or Fallout 2 for an oldie-but-goodie, or System Shock for its RP/FPS hybrid nature.
            Civ isn't really a roleplaying game, though it is fun.

