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problem...any ideas?

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  • problem...any ideas?

    My computer seems to crash more often than not when a wonder video starts. They're good to watch and all.. but after a while they just waste your time. Any settings I can change? Or is there a way to change up my virtual memory?

  • #2
    I had the same problem!

    Most of the time, it was the "Oracle" video that made my computer mad. (The music is too complicated for him I think). But other films made it crash too (Hanging Gardens, or religion foundation...)

    I decided to disable all films. Indeed this is very simple! Just go to the Civ 4 directory, open the .ini file with text editor, look for a line with a variable containing "Movies" and modify the number next to it.

    (something like Movies = 0... I can't remember but it was very simple... every line is commented if I remember).

    Good luck!


    • #3

      Whew. I should've figured something like that. I've been a fan of Civ games for years. I'm just used to the options like that on the in-game settings. But, yeah, thanks a lot.


      • #4
        JW, can you in future post these sorts of questions on the General or Help forums, not the Strategy forum? Many thanks.

