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Game Speed

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  • Game Speed

    I'm new to the civ series. I was wondering what effect game speed has gameplay and final score. I play on normal, but I can never seem to get anywhere close to a cultural victory and was wondering if it is possible on a lower speed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    I'm not the best to answer this, but winning by culture is pretty hard. Epic doesn't make it easier either. It increases the number of turns by 50%, but it also raises the culture required per city from 50K to 75K.

    Where epic, and now marathon, will make it easier, is to win by domination or other warmongering type game, since it allows many more moves to move your units around the map. On a large or huge map, that's a lot of movement.

    Standard size map and epic works fine for me.

    If you want to win by culture, hit the manual for all of the wonders and civics to build. There is at least one thread around here on culture wins, do a search.


    • #3
      In my last game I managed a cultural victory by the year 2028. Was Standard size map with Epic speed. As usuall I didn't even start to aim for one of the victory conditions till late in the game, in this case the late 1800s. As mentioned though you need 75000 culture in 3 cities on Epic speed so its tough to do. Near the end I was imppressed to see one of the 3 cities was pumping out 1200 culture each turn during a golden age.

