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Renderer error check direct X and video settings

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  • Renderer error check direct X and video settings

    CIV 4 worked fine on my win 2000 pro SP4 w/ 778MB memory and a GE force FX5200(128mb). Then I took the game to my parents So I could take a break from it's evils.
    Then I started jonesing, couldn't find civ3 init disk, only conquest, so installed civ2. Got some sort of stack error. Brought CIV4 home tonight, launch; new error(?). Reinstall; now I get the Rendereing error. I reinstalled video drivers and direct X from both The video driver CD and The CIV CD. Still get error How Do I check that Directx is installed properly. I'm going to try both patches but wanted to post first. Am I missing something here? Thanks.

  • #2
    hopefully I can save someone eles four hours of grief. The newest patch didn't work, Grampos' app didn't work. Kept getting messages to check directx, video settings and then even something else. Never what to check for. I found five instances of DXDIAG(2 in blue). That didn't sound good.
    Finally went to the NVDIA site and read the hints before installing DEC 20/ 05 release. Turn off Virus programs and uninstall existing drivers. That did the trick. Excuse me, but I have some serious time to make up.

