Here's something to think about. What if in a future patch chopping got nerfed so that it either didn't work anymore or was severely diminished? Curious as to whether anyone would be in favor of this. I find chopping almost a necessity in competetive games in order to keep up, and sometimes I wonder what it would be like if this wasn't the case.
The second part is how your strategy(s) would change if chopping were to go away. Would you do things totally differently or pretty much as you do now but with a few changes? Would you go for different types of victories? Are there people out there who NEVER chop?
The second part is how your strategy(s) would change if chopping were to go away. Would you do things totally differently or pretty much as you do now but with a few changes? Would you go for different types of victories? Are there people out there who NEVER chop?