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All Religions One City?

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  • All Religions One City?

    Is there any benefit at all to having founded all the religions in a single city?

    I get the benefit of actually founding all the religions, because you get paid. But does it matter if they are founded in six different cities or all in the same one?

  • #2
    It would be preferable to have them founded all in the same city. Normally you can only boost your income from the religious wonders by 100% from the various buildings like a bank, market and grocer. That gives you 2 times the gold of as many cities as you have spread each religion to. However if all the religions are founded in the same city and you build the Wall Street Wonder in that same ccity you can increase the income from religious spread by an additional 100%. This means for every city you spread one of the 7 religions to you gain 3 gold coin per turn.


    • #3
      Yep, many religions in the same city leads to a very cool synergy with Wall Street.

      This is very hard though, because religions tend to be founded in your newest city. If you expand very early and get lucky, you can probably get the early three religions in your second city - or all in your first if you delay expanding. But all 7? Not on any difficulty that isn't settler.


      • #4
        Yeah, that would have to a be a mad OCC strategy, and it's very hard to get both Buddhism and Hinduism in most games anyway.


        • #5
          In my current game, I had two of the three religions I founded use the same city.

          I think it was in large part because before I spread the first religion quickly over my empire so that there was no city lacking Judism and so it picked the Judism's Holy City to found Christanity.

          Now when it came time to found the Islam, I'd spread Christanity to all but one of my cities. Guess which one Islam was founded on? Right, the one without Christanity.

          What's I'm seeing so far in my games indicates in order:

          1. A no religion city. Probably last one founded to break the tie if more than one no religion cities.

          2. Pick a city with the fewest number of religions.

          3. If all cities have the same number of religions, then pick the city that founded one already.
          Last edited by joncnunn; January 3, 2006, 21:58.
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            Are you guys sure about the arbitrary "last city" or "city with no religion" beeing founder of the next religion?

            I remember from back in CIV2-days I played with Philosophy (IIRC), and tried to pin-point where the "age of philos" or whatever it was called, would appear. It seemed like the game scrolled through every city from the newest one, adding the citys beakers, went on to the next, adding beakers, and then when the research bin was full, the city getting the honours would be the one filling the bin.

            If you guys hadn't started this discussion I would still think it worked that way, but now I'm not sure. Is there a refererence to this in Civilipedia, or the booklet or anything?
            Has anyone made any empiric or statistical evaluation of it?

            - C
            "He [Caligula] has no more chance of becoming Emperor than of riding a horse across the Gulf of Baiae" - contemporary astrologer


            • #7
              So, is there no way to determine the city where a new religion will be founded? It would be great to have all of them in the same city without having to hold your expansion...


              • #8
                My experience is that it is most likely to be a city without religion and failing that, anything but the capital.


                • #9
                  just for completeness:
                  e4 ! Best by test.


                  • #10
                    Someone had or at least was discussing a mod that would let you choose where to found the religion.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Caligula 37 AD
                      Are you guys sure about the arbitrary "last city" or "city with no religion" beeing founder of the next religion?

                      I remember from back in CIV2-days I played with Philosophy (IIRC), and tried to pin-point where the "age of philos" or whatever it was called, would appear. It seemed like the game scrolled through every city from the newest one, adding the citys beakers, went on to the next, adding beakers, and then when the research bin was full, the city getting the honours would be the one filling the bin.

                      If you guys hadn't started this discussion I would still think it worked that way, but now I'm not sure. Is there a refererence to this in Civilipedia, or the booklet or anything?
                      Has anyone made any empiric or statistical evaluation of it?

                      - C
                      Your description of how Civ II worked is exactly right, but religions in Civ IV don't seem to work that way. In my experience, if you have 2 cities and neither of them has a religion, your new religion is never founded in your capital.

                      RJM at Sleeper's
                      Fill me with the old familiar juice


                      • #12
                        Since religions don't get founded in your capital if you have at least one more city, I held my expansion so that in my current game I have founded 4 religions in my second city. This is good if you don't want to actually play with only one city until Islam is founded.
                        I can now begin expanding (arghh... these Japanese are constantly in war with me...)

