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An idea I had for a different game ending

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  • #16
    Axxaer: Let's say you have a well-developed base in the middle of somewhere, or a well-trained elite troop.
    Suddenly a massive gravitational flux comes in and sucks that base and troops into a black hole.


    • #17
      something like that. Though you'd think something that powerful could not be defended by something like silksteel armour.


      • #18
        This would probably make more sense as a very expensive wonder, being the "Seed" AI sentience itself. Altough it wouldn't be clear if the player who builds it actually wins .

        It would amuse me to have global-loss conditions, do something and the whole world loses. An excellent example is Nuclear Holocaust, once enough damage has been done there should be an ecological meltdown and all the cities die off. Grey/Green-goo scenarios would be good too, and prehaps unleashing a super-virus.
        Actually that sort of thing should be the pre-req for launching the spaceship, you need to leave a little "present" for the remaining civs to ensure they don't follow you. A spaceship shouldn't be an automatic win - it should be a way out of a total loss!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bill3000
          Humanity is disgarded though, at least in terms of fleshy bodies. Ascent to Transcendence would be an awesome addition to Civ 4.
          Along with planetfungus oh, wait...


          • #20
            Lol, now I like that idea, Blake. It's like shooting the moon in hearts. Now if you say built 50 nukes and launched and acheived the "Nuke Loss" Victory condition(everyone loses, would that be considered a win or loss in the HoF? I mean it did take a lot of hammers to do that, hehe.

            You know in RoN they have future techs that were designed to win the game and were hugely powerful (aka troops built instantly, instant assimilations, increase your resource generation by over 50%, godly stealth bombers and jets) I wouldn't mind crazy bonuses like that to make the space race a lot more fun and also as another victory condition if you get them all and acheive Singularity(or whatever, I'm not really reading the tech stuff) Sounds like we need Mod-Man and his sidekick the SDK!


            • #21
              yeah that sounds cool. Enough with this good-two-shoes game balance.

              I want overpowering units dammit! (though this contradicts my other thread, but sometimes powerful units are just fun)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
                Axxaer: Let's say you have a well-developed base in the middle of somewhere, or a well-trained elite troop.
                Suddenly a massive gravitational flux comes in and sucks that base and troops into a black hole.
                But how can a black hole be controlled? (Or is that the whole idea of it being in the future, that we don't know yet?)
                "You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
                Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."

                - Jack Thompson


                • #23
                  The latter.


                  • #24
                    Universal Loss conditions would be annoying, because every game I play with another person will invariably end in them chasing one of these conditions. >={


                    • #25
                      "The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug."

                      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                      • #26
                        ha ha ha, i don’t know about universal loss conditions or overpowering units, but technologies that totally shift that balance would be cool... but in order to use the benefits of those techs, you should have to research a chain of them 3 or 4 that combined give you an end bonus of "insane" proportions (for a balanced game anyway!) there should also be a downside, all the other individual techs should have something that could potentially become a pain in the ass for the super bonus guy. like emp wiping out 90% of the bonus because the emp tech also gives the emp defense, but you were too busy researching your "end-all" bonus.

                        its a good and semi-new concept, but would need some work and development, definitely an ex-pak type thing.
                        i have visited you game site, please visit mine....



                        • #27
                          and where are the futuristic units in this game?

                          You'd think we could build something better than a stealth bomber by 2050.


                          • #28
                            next in the tech line would be the "drone AI" units, aka can only do what they are programed, then return to base (think predator drone aircraft, but scaled up to a b-52 payload that has gps guided bombs on it)

                            something else to add on to the tech-singularity idea would be the components of a truely dynamic AI, (an AI that can out-think us in every way possible):

                            machine vision (robot can see/manipulate objects that it can see)

                            social translator (robot can communicate so effectivly with humans, they may not even realize they are talking to a robot)

                            dynamic terrain mapping and pathfinding (robot can navigate any terrain that it can see clearly, and direct traffic for friendly troops to quickly and effeciently naviagate a minefield/war-torn wastland with minimal losses)

                            unified target aquisition (UTA, all robots in a combat zone relay incomming fire via gps cordinates, triangulate the exact location of the offending weapon/person operating that weapon, and direct suppressive force to that location (enough to qualify for overkill, but can be set to target neutralization only for peace-corps duties)

                            once you research all of these techs, driod units will replace man on the battlefield, (driod units have 1/2 support costs, 1/2 build costs, but 1.5x firepower of regular unit)

                            odds of this happening outside a custom-mod : 0%

