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A Running Log For Firaxis

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  • #16
    There seem to be surprisingly few |\|3+$Pe@kE|2Z / tEeNyBoPpErS / AOLers / 'otherannoyingtypingtypepeople' on this forum. That's why I like it!

    Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
    That's the spirit! Keep it up and you'll be an emperor in no time
    By the way, how many posts do you need for emporer? 500?
    "You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
    Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."

    - Jack Thompson


    • #17
      Have you even tried the Help forum on this site or Let me answer that for you, no you haven't you made a half-hearted post and then since someone didn't read your mind and somehow magically solve your problem, you whine here?

      15 years of total immersion into computers and you don't even know how to ask for help on a problem? Please. It sounds like there is major problems with your hardware or software or both. It could just be a conflict with Civ4 or with all new games I don't know because you haven't tested it or told anyone what you have tried. You have tried everything, ok buddy if you are so smart and "leet" in computers then why does it work for all of us and not work for you? You don't even know to post your specs when posting about a conflict or crash, come on.

      Since you don't really care to make an effort to make the game work or fix your problem and you post some link to some other dumb game, why don't you just go play that game and make a blog, that way we don't have to listen to chick whining here and you can blab on and on about how you are so leet and smart and Civ4 sucks because you can't get it to work.

      I hope that everyone can get the game to work and yes there are some weirdness with the launch version and I had to do something really weird to get it to run. But if you just want to babble on about random stuff, go make a blog.


      • #18
        You're not gonna troll this post, Enigma_Nova? Have you lost your mojo?


        • #19
          By the way, how many posts do you need for emporer? 500?
          You're not gonna troll this post, Enigma_Nova? Have you lost your mojo?
          I'm playing Warcraft 3.
          Besides, I have nothing against n00b haters. I heartily support your troll.

