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Great Lighthouse

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  • Great Lighthouse

    I just built the Great Lighthouse in Boston and noticed that New York, which is landlocked but built next to a lake, is getting 3 trade routes now. Is that a bug or working as designed? I wouldn't consider NY a costal city in my game. I guess its in my favor at any rate...

  • #2
    The game does have problems with discerning lakes from seas, yes. It should not require much programming to fix at all.


    • #3
      Since like game interpreted that lake as coast.


      • #4
        Perhaps you'd need 2 Cities bordering a Lake to get the affect of the GLH.


        • #5
          could this be turned into an exploit ?

          anti steam and proud of it

          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


          • #6
            Yeah, if you put commerce cities inland next to fresh water and use a Great Lighthouse strategy.
            No, not really. You'd have to base a decent portion of your game's plan around it, as opposed to anything abusable that you could either shake out of your sleeve or base an entire strategy around it.


            • #7
              If anything it is incentive to build inland cities next to lakes when possible if you have or are going for the GL. They'll probably fix this eventually I don't think they intended for cities next to a 1 square lake to get the GL trade bonus.

              I don't think there are enough fresh water lakes to make much abuse of it though...


              • #8
                This is very weird though. You can not not build coastal improvements such as harbors or lighthouses in such a city. The game knows it is not a coastal city. It knows.

                Why does it add 2 traderoutes anyway?


                • #9
                  Erm...that's what it is supposed to do...
                  Speaking of Erith:

                  "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                  • #10
           coastal cities, not cities around the lakes.


                    • #11
                      Then the wonder could rarely be built in the Lakes map.
                      He who knows others is wise.
                      He who knows himself is enlightened.
                      -- Lao Tsu

                      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                      • #12
                        You're not able to build Lighthouses and Harbors in cities bordering lakes, even if they're really big lakes. >=(


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
                          You're not able to build Lighthouses and Harbors in cities bordering lakes, even if they're really big lakes. >=(
                          Actually you can. I had a game where the Russians and myself both had cities on a fairly large inland lake, perhaps 30 tiles big. I noticed she had a harbor in her city. I looked and sure enough I could build both a harbor and lighthouse (I hadn't even noticed before). I will note that this was back before any patches.


                          • #14
                            If a contiguous body of water has a deep-water tile in it anywhere it's not a lake, it's an ocean.


                            • #15
                              I am on a game that has a large inland sea on a big continent. I own the only city that connects the sea with the ocean. I can build any water resource on cities on that sea including naval units. The ai cities can as well. I think it is the size of the body of water that matters most.

