I had always assumed that if I have a tech, and the AI has the prereqs for it, I can trade it away. Not so in my current game (1.52, standard continents. Monarch).
After spending most of new years day trying to work out how civs with half my GNP and twice my military were apparantly out-teching me, it seems that if the AI is researching a tech, I cannot trade it to the AI, or even gift it. This doesn't seem right to me.
For example, an AI has Physics, and I have Railroad, so I think maybe when AI has Steam, I'll be able to trade Railroad for Physics. No chance. The AI completes Steam, then immediately starts RR - and no possibility of trading. I found this very annoying.
Another example - an ally needs a military tech and is researching it, but are badly pillaged and will never research the tech in time. I cannot gift them the tech. No way is that right.
Is this intended? Has this always been the case? And are AI's prohibited from trading a tech to another AI who is researching it in the same way?
After spending most of new years day trying to work out how civs with half my GNP and twice my military were apparantly out-teching me, it seems that if the AI is researching a tech, I cannot trade it to the AI, or even gift it. This doesn't seem right to me.
For example, an AI has Physics, and I have Railroad, so I think maybe when AI has Steam, I'll be able to trade Railroad for Physics. No chance. The AI completes Steam, then immediately starts RR - and no possibility of trading. I found this very annoying.
Another example - an ally needs a military tech and is researching it, but are badly pillaged and will never research the tech in time. I cannot gift them the tech. No way is that right.
Is this intended? Has this always been the case? And are AI's prohibited from trading a tech to another AI who is researching it in the same way?