I was on a continent with several other civs. Medium-late in the game, I was attacked by the French, who live far across the ocean. He landed a few ships (caravels, galleons, maybe a couple of frigates) with some stacks of units. He took one under-defended city and razed it. Then he started moving against my capital. I was slightly ahead technologically, so I had no trouble building enough riflemen to easily defend the rest of my cities. However, he was still an annoyance, and kept managing to land a few stacks and pillage quite a bit of my land before my units could get rid of him.
Since he was coming from one direction, I figured a few ships off my coast should take care of him. I built a few ironclads to start, and worked on the tech for destroyers. My attempt to blockade my coast failed, though. Unless I had a unit on every single coastal square, his ships would just slip right up the the coast and unload. Older versions had the 'zone of control', which helped- I could place my destroyers every 2 or 3 squares, and the enemy couldn't just slip by. The other problem is the 1-attack-per-turn restriction. His ships are no match for my destroyers, but since he stacks a bunch of ships, I only managed to take out a few before he would land some.
With enough destroyers pumped out and roaming the sea, I was finally able to take care of him. However, I'm wondering if there is an easier way. How do you control the sea near your cities?
Since he was coming from one direction, I figured a few ships off my coast should take care of him. I built a few ironclads to start, and worked on the tech for destroyers. My attempt to blockade my coast failed, though. Unless I had a unit on every single coastal square, his ships would just slip right up the the coast and unload. Older versions had the 'zone of control', which helped- I could place my destroyers every 2 or 3 squares, and the enemy couldn't just slip by. The other problem is the 1-attack-per-turn restriction. His ships are no match for my destroyers, but since he stacks a bunch of ships, I only managed to take out a few before he would land some.
With enough destroyers pumped out and roaming the sea, I was finally able to take care of him. However, I'm wondering if there is an easier way. How do you control the sea near your cities?