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Where the Hell should I play ?!

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  • Where the Hell should I play ?!

    Hello everybody !

    (excuse my poor english)
    I am a long-time Civ-addict. Got totally crazy when Civ-I was published back in 1992 (I think), and just the same with Civ-II. that is even the reason why I did not buy a new computer for years, since I was too addict to these games, and I feared it would waste my whole social life... :-)

    So I nearly never played Civ-III.
    But well, since this time, I finally bought a computer, and was offered Civ-IV by my wife for Christmas. Ayyyyyyy.......
    Really hard to "manage" a wife, a work, and a 3-weeks old baby and still get time to play.
    But well...

    I used to be some kind of "expert" with the first-two Civilization games, but now I'm totally screwed in every game I played for the moment. It's getting slowly better, but it's frustrating.
    So my 2 questions (sorry for the long talking) :

    1. On which map type should I play ? I'm a peaceful player, and it was a pure phantasm in old Civ days to grow peacefully with neighbours, so now that it is possible, I'd love to.
    I first tried Inland Sea, for contact with neighbour civs, but I got totally screwed by barbarians. I tried Archipelago, but had no place to grow. I tried continents, but was alone on my island with the incans, and could never exchange a single tech with them although he loved me with +6 green points (but he never wanted to trade anything)
    Quite frustrating, I played Civ-II on Emperor and nearly always won, and now I got back below Prince level and still lose...

    2. Is it bad luck or what (I only started 5 games for now), but I seem to never ever have correct resources. Never a single stone or marble resource to help building wonders, never a single horse resource to try to defend my land, only once iron...
    Am I severely unlucky, or is it normal ?

    Thank you for your answering !

  • #2
    1. Random. Try 'em all and find out for yourself.
    2. That's normal if you forget to look for them and expand towards them. There's an obvious solution to this, though.


    • #3
      Re: Where the Hell should I play ?!

      [QUOTE] Originally posted by Vinnnch
      alone on my island with the incans, and could never exchange a single tech with them although he loved me with +6 green points

      You have to research Alphabet before trading techs, Paper before trading maps & Currency before trading cash

      Never a single stone or marble resource to help building wonders, never a single horse resource to try to defend my land, only once iron...
      With the latest patch (1.52) you have to research Animal Husbandry before horses appear
      Dom 8-)


      • #4
        Thank you
        I know, for the techs needed to trade techs, and to have resources revealed (in fact I have only played with the 1.52 patch, since it's only been a week since I got the game)

        I think my "frustrations" just come from the fact that I have not been very lucky for now, but it sure will come soon.
        In fact, I think that the game is harder than CivI and CivII were, essentially because AIs know how to attack now, they send bigger forces than before against you. I will have to change my nearly-no-army style !


        • #5
          Definetely have to change your no army style

          Resources are luck of the draw. Starting locations usually give you a few resources within the city limits, but you may not be able to see them yet. I have played a game where I had no iron, copper, horses, or (later) oil anywhere near my starting location.

          Part of the fun is taking these sticky situations and trying to do something with them.
          Early to rise, Early to bed.
          Makes you healthy and socially dead.


          • #6
            I agree !
            The problem is that, when starting this game, you need to master so many new concepts that with a lack of resources, it's harder again to survive...
            I guess I should try to play at a lower level, but my ex-emperor pride would suffer so much !....


            • #7
              Ive never been able to play on emperor. I stick to noble and prince.
              Early to rise, Early to bed.
              Makes you healthy and socially dead.


              • #8
                Since Civ4 has a lot of new concepts i strongly reccomend starting at Noble. Once you've demolished a noble game then move up to Prince or Monarch.


                • #9
                  i have only played civs 3 and 4 but i am in between noble and prince , dominating noble, consistantly losing on prince. i usually play continents, as it is a good balance between land and sea play. it sounds like you are just unlucky though, go buy a rabitts foot !


                  • #10
                    Thanks everybody !

                    And happy new year to you !
                    During the last few days, I've had to play at Noble level, yes... And it made a huge difference, I could win with no difficulty. So OK, now I understood the basics, maybe I'll be able to try again at Prince level...
                    And also, yes, this time I had hroses resources, and even stone. So it was effectively bad luck until now.
                    Great game !!


                    • #11
                      Some hints, must keep a good military if you do not want to use it, the AI's will attack weakness. I like to build a worker very early, so special food resources can be farmed or pastured promptly, hills mined, this assists in growth and faster production of settlers, workers which i concentrate on once city hits size 4. I often build 3 or 4 warriors who stand fortified on forested hills about 5 squares from starting base. These intercept and survive generally the early barb attacks. They are later replaced by experienced archers for same purpose. Choose several AI civs to trade with only, they will grow with you, be the strongest with you and will be more willing to trade their techs. These civs should like each other as well. Be willing to join military alliances with them if enemy not too close, so they really love you. Develop your economy well and the spacerace will be an easy victory, as they do not prioritize the completion of the spaceship well.
                      With this starting techniques I can be competitive at Emperor level and win at Monarch on Pangaea maps


                      • #12
                        One more suggestion, as rapid population growth leads to unhappiness and unhealthiness early in the game, build cottages in preference to irrigation, slower growth with money from cottages is preferable to rapid growth

