SO close... but need someone to qualify the following:
specializing cities is supposed to be a great thing in CIV4.. but I have to question how it eventually does good.. especially for commercial cities, when you are running at 100% science + culture total
food is specific to a city and only affects growth rates/pop size. (need buildings which reduce polution as necc. to keep citizens healthy, same with +
production is only for building things (and eventually 1/2 to research/cult/wealth when not making anything)
base commerce is all trade routes, palace, and other buildings which dirctly make coins, as well as tile coins. (not specialists or +% buildings)
the base commerce is used for then global %'s of science, culture and wealth.
on top of those numbers, specialists and buildings (except commerce), etc which add a specific + are added.
then on top of that is the buildings that provide a % increase, as well as civics/etc that provide %.
so if you are running 100% science, your bank+market+grocery is giving you 100% of nothing. unless you have a mass of merchants/GM/priests in the city. even then, it's not a great number unless you have a great number of these specialists.
so.. running at lower than 100% science is better for commerce buildings, but you should never run at 0% science. What's a good stable number to try to run at once you start getting markets+banks+grocery?
so.. having a library+university+conservatory in every city (even without specialists) is more important overall than the commerce buildings, since the base commerce rate of the city will always give a % towards science, as long as you have the global % above 0% (otherwise, how do you get techs?)
and cultural buildings are only useful to build if you want to make that city a culture pump (unless the building also has other useful properties, which I think most, if not all have)
as an aside:
does anyone build castles for their cultural value? +1 is equal to a temple, but I haven't really read anywhere about anyone specifically using them like that...
specializing cities is supposed to be a great thing in CIV4.. but I have to question how it eventually does good.. especially for commercial cities, when you are running at 100% science + culture total
food is specific to a city and only affects growth rates/pop size. (need buildings which reduce polution as necc. to keep citizens healthy, same with +

production is only for building things (and eventually 1/2 to research/cult/wealth when not making anything)
base commerce is all trade routes, palace, and other buildings which dirctly make coins, as well as tile coins. (not specialists or +% buildings)
the base commerce is used for then global %'s of science, culture and wealth.
on top of those numbers, specialists and buildings (except commerce), etc which add a specific + are added.
then on top of that is the buildings that provide a % increase, as well as civics/etc that provide %.
so if you are running 100% science, your bank+market+grocery is giving you 100% of nothing. unless you have a mass of merchants/GM/priests in the city. even then, it's not a great number unless you have a great number of these specialists.
so.. running at lower than 100% science is better for commerce buildings, but you should never run at 0% science. What's a good stable number to try to run at once you start getting markets+banks+grocery?
so.. having a library+university+conservatory in every city (even without specialists) is more important overall than the commerce buildings, since the base commerce rate of the city will always give a % towards science, as long as you have the global % above 0% (otherwise, how do you get techs?)
and cultural buildings are only useful to build if you want to make that city a culture pump (unless the building also has other useful properties, which I think most, if not all have)
as an aside:
does anyone build castles for their cultural value? +1 is equal to a temple, but I haven't really read anywhere about anyone specifically using them like that...