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AI not rebuilding oil wells during war?

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  • AI not rebuilding oil wells during war?

    I think I have noticed a flaw in the AI programming when at war.

    I was at war with Frederic of Germany and managed to destroy all his oil wells early on. He did the same to me but I ofcourse used all my workers to rebuild the well in just one turn. However Frederic never rebuilt his oil wells so he could never build new modern tanks etc.

    The two oil resources he had was not even near my borders so I had no chance of capturing his workers. He had about the same military strength as me when the war started, but because he never regained oil, he kept losing ground to me.

    It is not just oil wells that are not rebuild during a war. This also seems to be the case for all other resources.

  • #2
    i think its because the AI puts all his workers in a city where he can defend them.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


    • #3
      I think the AI indeed does the same your workers do when they are on automatic - hiding in cities, where the direct region is in danger.


      • #4
        I guess that is a good strategy when they really are in danger, but in my game they were not in any immidiate danger. Also, the AI should be able to stack their workers with some units for protection, like they do with settlers.

        Hope Soren will tweak this in the future, cause it makes long wars too easy to win.


        • #5
          The AI does stack its workers with an escort, but doesn't want to risk the escort and workers during war. It is strange, then, that it would risk units to go off pillaging.

