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  • #16
    OMG! Your really missing the power of religions.

    Any Religious shrine [can only be beat in the holy city for that religion] results in 1 gold per city produced by the shrine. Regardless of weather it's your state religion or if those followers are regarded as heretics.

    Plus, that gold gets multipled by the buildings that have gold multiplers on them.

    Then there are the diplomatic aspects of religions.

    And the monstrary religions [cumulative] also produce culture and are a 10% science multipler. Plus they are needed to produce missonaries unless running the org religion civic.

    Also, one of the World Wonders results in every religious structure of your state religion producing 1 gold; assigned to the indivial structures so it's not as powerful.

    Spread your religion to world wide [minus one civ] and you get great diplomatic relations with all but that one civ which is universally unliked.

    On the UN Victory;\: the UN victory in Civ IV is like the UN Victory in SMAC; the easyist way to get there is to come close to Domination. If a high enough percentage of the worlds population is in your territory, you don't need anyone elses vote.

    Originally posted by Skyweaver
    Interesting about the religions. I haven't used them yet other than to build temples for happiness ratings. How does it affect the game as such?
    Also, has anyone won the UN victory yet? If so, how? lol
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #17
      I have yet to explore the religious bonuses, but good info here people, thanks :-).

      Referring to my earlier statements, i have tried a few marathon games. It was like coming home!! lol. All those lovely turns to play in. By accident, whilst pursuing yet another cultural victory at Noble level, i got my UN victory. I was surprised and pleased. I can only think that it was because i never refused a trade request and promoted the trade based UN votes when elected to Scretary first. I actually won before all the UN proposal's had been made as well. I have found this game style my fave just now.
      Huge map:
      4 or 5 Civs on Custom, excluding all Agg leaders:
      Island map with 1 island per civ and various little islands:
      Marathon turns:

      Civ on people!


