Untill few days ago, i never based my games on military power. (This was my habit since civilization II). I prefer to play gandhi, chop rush for wonders, minimum defense, be the tech leader untill i discover tanks and with the tanks i ruined my enemies and get some sort of victory.
Two days ago i convinced my self to go for something different, a military game. i forced my self (believe me it was really hard) not to build anything that has no military use.
For the beginning i chose kubhai khan as he is creative and aggressive. to be on the safe side i choose prince as the playing level standart pangea so that i can still survive after few mistakes. i have to mention that it was with v1.09.
i build two cities apart from my capital, 3 workers to develop the land around them. then i focused all my production on barracks and keshiks.
i beelined for horse riding and alphabet. by the time i discovered alphabet i had 8 keshiks with one upgrade, and three archers to protect the three cities.
this is where all my fun began. i was way behind several techs and positioned last on the score table. i checked the statistics and my number of soldiers was the highest. so i start demanding tributes from everyone. and surprisingly i suceeded. so after the first round of torturing, i was almost the most advanced civilization...
then i decided to rip the benefits of the military. i checked the power graph and saw that isabella, my neighbour was the weakest. so i directed my keshiks to her closest city. i declared war and captured that city. as i placed 2 keshiks to heal in the newly conquered city the remaining 6 headed to the next city. my home cities were producing keshiks meanwhile. the second city of isabella was weak as well. now it was to time to head for the capital. with the reinforcements i got it was still easy for me to capture madrid. isabella had one city remaining. i made peace with her for two new technologies. she was so mad because the cities i took were the holy cities for three early religions.
although i started suffering from maintenance costs due to having 6 cities so early, i continued war mongering. my next target was my other neighbour, mansa musa who was the second weakest. i remained calm for few turns untill the resistance in newly acquired cities end and i built few defensive units so that i can use all keshiks for attacks. meanwhile i did not even produced a library or a granary.
then when all my cities have 2 defending units and i declared war on mansa musa. i nearly had 12 keshiks and it was about 8-10 turns before i captured 3 cities including the capital with pyramids. it was time to make peace for some new technologies including currency.
by this time my science rate was zero due to high maintenance cost. i had two weak neighbours and a relatively strong one, napoleon. i directed all my army to the closest city to napoleon. i started building markets and libraries followed by courthouses everywhere and increased science rate one step at a time whenever possible.
as my economy started rolling again, i beelined for construction for catapults and military tradition and gunpowder for strong mounted units to upgrade my veteran keshiks.
i only built heroic epic, national epic and forbidden palace, no other wonders. when i finished researching military tradition and gunpowder i decreased science rate to zero and upgraded all my mounted units. also military produciton was going on in cities which have completed a temple, a market, a library and a courthouse.
it was time for another battle, this time with the french. he had two new religions and two wonders, but i had loads and loads of catapults and cavalries. so it was only 20 turns for me to capture 3 cities including paris. time to make peace for some new technologies...
i had a very nice army so i decided not to stop. the spanish and malinese culture was strangling me and they had no new technologies as they were extremely weak. so i decided to destroy them. it was an extremely easy task with such a huge army.
the final part of the game was attacking the remaining frech cities and russian empire. for one reason rusians had several new technologies but not military tradition. it was an easy task to destroy them as they had nothing better than rifleman. by the 1800's i won a domination victory and achieved a score higher than 30000, the highest score i ever got.
it was the first time i played civilization this way. in my previous games i was so focused on improving the cities and land that i can only win the game in late 1900's. although i was lucky to have two weak neighbours which contributed to my victory, the strategy seems still working. now i am so excited to try this strategy on monarch level (which i am sure they will kick my ass )
also i am excited to see the effects of patch 1.52 on battle as the previous game was with the patch 1.09.
i really recommend to those who love building civilized empires, to go and try for a raw uncivilized warmongering strategy. it is really enjoyable.
Two days ago i convinced my self to go for something different, a military game. i forced my self (believe me it was really hard) not to build anything that has no military use.
For the beginning i chose kubhai khan as he is creative and aggressive. to be on the safe side i choose prince as the playing level standart pangea so that i can still survive after few mistakes. i have to mention that it was with v1.09.
i build two cities apart from my capital, 3 workers to develop the land around them. then i focused all my production on barracks and keshiks.
i beelined for horse riding and alphabet. by the time i discovered alphabet i had 8 keshiks with one upgrade, and three archers to protect the three cities.
this is where all my fun began. i was way behind several techs and positioned last on the score table. i checked the statistics and my number of soldiers was the highest. so i start demanding tributes from everyone. and surprisingly i suceeded. so after the first round of torturing, i was almost the most advanced civilization...
then i decided to rip the benefits of the military. i checked the power graph and saw that isabella, my neighbour was the weakest. so i directed my keshiks to her closest city. i declared war and captured that city. as i placed 2 keshiks to heal in the newly conquered city the remaining 6 headed to the next city. my home cities were producing keshiks meanwhile. the second city of isabella was weak as well. now it was to time to head for the capital. with the reinforcements i got it was still easy for me to capture madrid. isabella had one city remaining. i made peace with her for two new technologies. she was so mad because the cities i took were the holy cities for three early religions.
although i started suffering from maintenance costs due to having 6 cities so early, i continued war mongering. my next target was my other neighbour, mansa musa who was the second weakest. i remained calm for few turns untill the resistance in newly acquired cities end and i built few defensive units so that i can use all keshiks for attacks. meanwhile i did not even produced a library or a granary.
then when all my cities have 2 defending units and i declared war on mansa musa. i nearly had 12 keshiks and it was about 8-10 turns before i captured 3 cities including the capital with pyramids. it was time to make peace for some new technologies including currency.
by this time my science rate was zero due to high maintenance cost. i had two weak neighbours and a relatively strong one, napoleon. i directed all my army to the closest city to napoleon. i started building markets and libraries followed by courthouses everywhere and increased science rate one step at a time whenever possible.
as my economy started rolling again, i beelined for construction for catapults and military tradition and gunpowder for strong mounted units to upgrade my veteran keshiks.
i only built heroic epic, national epic and forbidden palace, no other wonders. when i finished researching military tradition and gunpowder i decreased science rate to zero and upgraded all my mounted units. also military produciton was going on in cities which have completed a temple, a market, a library and a courthouse.
it was time for another battle, this time with the french. he had two new religions and two wonders, but i had loads and loads of catapults and cavalries. so it was only 20 turns for me to capture 3 cities including paris. time to make peace for some new technologies...
i had a very nice army so i decided not to stop. the spanish and malinese culture was strangling me and they had no new technologies as they were extremely weak. so i decided to destroy them. it was an extremely easy task with such a huge army.
the final part of the game was attacking the remaining frech cities and russian empire. for one reason rusians had several new technologies but not military tradition. it was an easy task to destroy them as they had nothing better than rifleman. by the 1800's i won a domination victory and achieved a score higher than 30000, the highest score i ever got.
it was the first time i played civilization this way. in my previous games i was so focused on improving the cities and land that i can only win the game in late 1900's. although i was lucky to have two weak neighbours which contributed to my victory, the strategy seems still working. now i am so excited to try this strategy on monarch level (which i am sure they will kick my ass )

also i am excited to see the effects of patch 1.52 on battle as the previous game was with the patch 1.09.
i really recommend to those who love building civilized empires, to go and try for a raw uncivilized warmongering strategy. it is really enjoyable.