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crash in MP exiting game

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  • crash in MP exiting game

    the game runs wonderfully on my new 1 gig RAM, so-so video card HP system and i just tried MP the game ran just fine untill everybody droped out exept me, i voted to keep playing, then decided to just quit. upon selecting |menu| Quit to main menu| the game hung up, i figured that this was just a quirk of the relativly bumpy MP system, so i walked out to get something to drink and let the game catch up to itself, when i came back, the screen was black and a little white box was bouncing around that said "failed to initialize 3D engine" or something to that effect i tried alt-tabing out, nothing, tred the windows button on keybord, and it just apeared over the game. and so i Ctrl-alt-deleated and ended the task. is this something i shoul worry about? this was my first game w/ 1.52... maybe that had somthin to do with it.
    Whaddaya think?

  • #2
    i just tested to see if i could do the same thing in SP i loaded a game and chose |menu|quit to main menu| and i encountered a menu telling me that i did not meet graphics recommendations or something, i tred to take a screenie but i dont know if it worked, i will try to post it though. nope i didnt get it. anyway i have never experienced this before either. i manually DLed the patch from the first post of the topic at or near the top of the general board.

    if it is the patch... because i had almost no problems before this...


    • #3
      WHY IS NOBODY HELPING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4

