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One Tile Islands

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  • One Tile Islands

    or at least, small mostly insignificant amount of tiles...

    are there good strategies to deal with these? or do people mostly ignore them?

    I have a tendancy to just grab any old bit of land in the ocean.. partly for cultural expansion/sight, and partly for growth.

    and what should be built (minimal) on these one tile Islands? they're surrounded by water, so Lighthouse, harbour, granary, courthouse and theatre is all I can think of...

    maybe a marketplace/and or bank for commerce? and of course whatever happy people generating buildings are needed to keep them from getting mad.

  • #2
    I ignore them. They take ages to become of any value unless they are just off the coast of your capital. They don't offer that much sight and the sight they do offer is of very limited value usually.

    If your financial or have a functional Collossus I dare say they are of more merit but I bet that if the best unused city sites are one, or few, tile islands you've either already won or lost.


    • #3
      If that city can use 3 or more seafood tiles, it can be useful. pop rush all basic building, such as granary, lighthouse, harbor, forge, temple, library, courthouse, market/grocer, and maybe aquaduct. Then run it as a GP plant and build whatever you want.


      • #4
        If there is nothing else to settle and the islands are near my main country (or my economy can stand cities with some distance away from my main country), I will settle them.

        As I normally use creative civs they will have steadily expanding cultural borders and therefore are good outposts to observe the oceans and also to serve as naval bases and maybe places where I can station some bomberfleets.

        Aside from revenue generating buildings, I will also build (or rush buy) an airport, as it might be important to ferry large amounts of troops in short time to the island cities in case of a war.
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


        • #5
          I love settling them, especially with Financial, Organized and Expansionist leaders.

          They provide a buffer against invasions and provide solid income.

          It does mandate using Slavery until Suffrage.

          Lighthouse/Granary/Library/Harbor/Barracks are the main buildings you want. Maybe some more for happy/health. Usually the extra buildings wait until Kremlin and Suffrage.
          The barracks is for drafting.

          The idea is they give you +50 raw commrece a turn (might be worth +80-100 post-improvement, and since they only cost like 6gold a turn in upkeep, it's a good deal.

          With poprush/draft, make sure to only heavily abuse those with seafood resources. The resource-less cities might get only granary and lighthouse and a culture booster (prehaps religion), then I let them slowllly grow. Come suffrage they might get more stuff.

