Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to get some opinions/thoughts about how to use great scientists.
In my current game, playing the earth map that came with the game as China (wow, what a cool starting position they have!!) and I've been able to create a couple great scientists early on. So I used them and created 2 acadamies in the 2 highest research cities I had. I keep wondering tho, If perhaps I would have been better off using 1 to create an academy, and the 2nd, as a super specialist in the city that had the academy. Thoughts, opinions??
Also, same kind of questions regarding great Prophets, basically is it better to spread them out around different cities? or pile them all into one city?
Also, what should I do with further Great Scientist peeps? I have 3 or 4 good commerce/research cities, that could definatly benefit from the +50% research the academy gives, but I dunno if that's the best use or not.
Just wanted to get some opinions/thoughts about how to use great scientists.
In my current game, playing the earth map that came with the game as China (wow, what a cool starting position they have!!) and I've been able to create a couple great scientists early on. So I used them and created 2 acadamies in the 2 highest research cities I had. I keep wondering tho, If perhaps I would have been better off using 1 to create an academy, and the 2nd, as a super specialist in the city that had the academy. Thoughts, opinions??
Also, same kind of questions regarding great Prophets, basically is it better to spread them out around different cities? or pile them all into one city?
Also, what should I do with further Great Scientist peeps? I have 3 or 4 good commerce/research cities, that could definatly benefit from the +50% research the academy gives, but I dunno if that's the best use or not.