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Starting locations

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  • Starting locations


    this post is about map generation and civs starting locations. (If this topic surprises you, I'll answer Civ 4 is a graphically-voracious game my laptop shouldn't afford, so studying early game is my only choice until buying a real PC).

    Some general rules:
    - The tile where the Settler starts is always provided with fresh water: lake or river. (one exception: a start on a peninsula, with no land resources but a bunch of sea specials - the game gave this location to Japanese, who start with fishing. I wonder if fishing civs have a bigger chance to get seafood).

    - The fat cross around the Settler never contains desert nor jungle nor tundra. If deserts are present, they are Flood Plains.
    I saw an AI starting location, five tiles from the pole, where all tundras had been turned into plains. However, out of the fat cross, there was only sea, tundra or arctic to be found.

    - Resources: the starting loc fat cross always has two resources among:
    cereals, cattle, seafood, horses, copper.
    I'm not entirely sure about that. But every time I get a one-resource start, researching animal husbandry or bronze working gets me a strategic resource. (a one-resource start loc commands research of these techs IMO).
    Resources unlocked by later techs aren't taken into account here (wine, silk...). Late game resources don't count either.

    - Distance to other civs: no rule for now. Some very odds starts (like on another post). On several occasions I could see an AI on a peninsula, quickly build a city to stop its expansion on the main land and deny open borders. I think this is a bit unfair, the generator shouldn't allow such starts.

    Other remarks on this topic would be appreciated

  • #2
    If I understand correctly, you always want to have a perfect terrain around your capital.

    Play a balanced map, you're supposed to get a bunch of resources and decent terrain around your capital.

    If not, bite the bullet and take it as a personal challenge to combe back from behind to beat the AI with a crappy start position.

    My 0.02$
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