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My technologies are taking far too long

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  • My technologies are taking far too long

    My techs are taking far to long to be discovered...and i have a suspicion as to why

    i was playing a game, noble level, nothing fancy and i was doing stonehenge, oracle and pyramids and tech was racing with most techs at 4-7 turns...thats good, however it started to slow AND I HAD 100% tech output and pleanty of cities and LIBRARIES, i had alphabet and mathmatics by this stage and so i went to tech tree to see if i had missed a tech and was lagging behind like that...however the WHOLE TECH TREE was grey! It got to 1500AD and i was still researching stuff that i would have got a long time before...

    any1 know why this is...

    i am not a crap player and it has not happened least not to this degree...i gave up because when i went to choose a new tech at 1500 ad the shortest one was 29 turns

    any similar experiences?

    any fixes if there are any?


  • #2
    Does it still tell you how many turns it will take to research those ones you can't get?

    Perhaps you're way overexpanded. Maintenance can kill.
    Killing is fun in pixels, isn't it?


    • #3
      no i havent over expanded either...the last game i had only 6 cities!


      • #4
        Build More Towns.


        • #5
          it's just a graphics bug, you have the techs. any techs that you research before opening the tech tree for the first time will appear grey and unclickable, even though you have them.

          open the tech tree first thing each game and you'll never have the problem again.

          And yes, if you want to keep researching things at a fast pace, build more cottages.
          If you're not a rebel at 20 you have no heart. If you're still a rebel at 30 you have no brain.

