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Anyone ever see two AI's start this close together??
Karakorum is the Mongol starting city isn't it? They appear to be blocked in by Washington’s culture spread. Note the four seafood buffets that were likely put there by the AI for the Mongol/American starting location. This isn't a small map, 7 civs on a standard size continental map - sea level is set to low.
From the pic it may be hard to tell, but they are not on an island the rest of the US sprawl is west of Washington on the same continent as the Germans, Egyptians and Japanese.
I am playing as the English and had the Aztecs as my continental 'friend' so I focused on wiping them out before they became too powerful. I'm sprawling to cover the rest of my continent before the galleons start showing up with AI settlers. As long as the AI will try to cover as much territory as possible ICS won't go away.
I'm playing on Noble difficulty. I've never seen Civ's start that close together in Civ4 yet, their capitals are only 3 squares apart! Near as I can tell the AI Mongols are doing a OCC in this game, it doesn't look like they've built any other cities or if they did they were destroyed as all the ones to the west have American city names. This is hands down the most snafu'd starting location I have seen for an AI. I wonder why the Americans haven’t taken them out yet, should be an easy feat and they aren’t sharing the same religion either. That and the cultural tensions should have sparked a war between them by now I would have thought. I could understand them being so close on a smaller map with a lot of Civ’s but it doesn’t make much sense here.
I figure I'll put the Mongols out of their misery as soon as I get a few galleons built and use their city as a staging point for campaigns on the super continent.
I havn't even spoke with them yet (traded maps a few times) and was trying to figure out where Civ #7 is hideing at when I found them next to the Americans.