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Monitor goes on standby( have to reboot)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by petetspm
    I have spent 2 days fighting with the same problem on a Radeon 9800 Pro. What I have done is turned movies off, play at the lowest resolution, turn sound to mono (don't know why). Now I just get CTD every so often from the Civilopedia but it fixes the VDU issues

    Its a pain in the arse.

    What is with the coding in this game? I have a friend with the same card as you and he has never had a problem since day 1. All the patches work fine for him, while mine with a nvida card worked fine if slow with v1, became a total crap and unplayable game with the 1st patch and now with the 2nd patch is playable but still getting some late game CTD's.
    This really is pathetic.


    • #17
      Hi I wasted 2 days during my xmas break to get this game to work correctly on my pc, latest drivers, bios upgrade, soundcard upgrade even a cpu to vga chipset upgrade, plus i managed to borrow a couple of graphics cards and played around with 4 types!!!
      bottom line for me is that my MOTHERBOARD is the issue, sending a stop command to the graphics comtroller. so for me its not the graphics card, its my mainboard, and im not going to get a new pc for a long time. so CIV4 is collecting dust in the corner of my computer room for a foreseeable time


      • #18
        OK - I've got this sucker working. What I did was:

        in the ini file

        i) turned off movies (causes crash in Diplomacy !!!)
        ii) set DynamicAnimPaging to 0
        iii) set SetMaxFrameRate to 20
        iv) set fullscreen = 0 (then play windowed but at max)
        v) set AllowScreenShots to 0
        vi) set syncinput to 0
        vii) set D3D9Query to 1
        viii) set MouseScrolling to 1 (cos playing in windowsed mode)
        ix) set DynamicUnitPaging to 1 (i think !!! - its dfinately at 1 but not sure whether I changed it)

        also set

        a) LoggingEnabled = 1
        b) OverwriteLogs = 1

        do not know whether they make it work but don't do no harm

        Upped my BIOS AGP settings to 128 (which it should have been at)

        Now in the game

        i) set all graphics to Medium and play at lowest resolution - leave aliasing at 0
        ii) select low res textures - last check on right

        Result - hours without a crash

        Hope this helps others



        • #19
          I also managed to get my copy of civ to work by updating my BIOS, audio driver and motherboard chipset drivers. I did all of these things in one go, so I don't know which one "fixed" the game for me, but I've played about 15 hours now without a crash (it used to last 30 minutes at best).

          I have an ASUS P4P800. I remember reading about someone else getting BSODs with the same motherboard on this forum. Hopefully they read this thread and can get their game to work using the same updates (They're all availaible on


          • #20
            Well, I spoke too soon. I have problems with some of the Wonder Movies - sound skipping, I guess -- so if necessary will change that in the CivilizationIV.ini file to 16 bit color depth since there is a line for it in that file.

            I am using High Graphics but 1024 x 768 mode with no antialiasing.

            Built a Galley Ship and the game went funky, and started to Zoom in (for some reason I am not sure) but then I was going to the City that just built the Galley, to take a look, and it has to zoom back in to see the Tiles of the City. But when I came out of the City, the Ship did not Light Up to move, but it should have, and everything -- slowed down. I finally ended the turn, (not moving much anyway, since I am playing an Island Map Game with 6 Civs and perhaps a Standard Map) and Saved the Game at the end of the Turn. Then I Exited to Desktop, took a look at Task Manager, and it did not seem all that much memory was being used -- but then I have 1gB of memory installed now, and it was taking something like 443mB of Virtual Memory. It seems to get out of the game all right, and I did not wait except to take a look at Task Manager -- started the game up again, and loaded up the Saved Game and everything was fine again.

            If it slows down (which I did not have before that turn) then I simply get out after Saving and restart the game.
            Then it started running fine again.
            Maybe the game is confusing its self sometimes, and the code is still a little ragged.

            After that I played another number of turns, and it worked fine like it was before.

            So, that is what I do, but I suppose that it should not really be doing that -- since it was doing that before when I first got the game, after the 1.09 version patch and now again with the 1.52 version patch.

            I have never crashed though or have my monitor turn to sleep mode -- so that I do not know about -- just a slowdown sometimes and not all that often.

            If the Wonder Movies don' t play all that good, I simply click okay to stop them, but up above, can also be done.

            Well, I have not even had time to finish a game yet, because playing Island Maps, I usually meet another Civ later on in the game -- and usually they are ahead, so usually --- I been starting over sometimes on the same map -- and trying different things in the game.

            I think that was about 800 A.D. and now I am at 1100A. D and playing a Marathon Game turn length.

            Well, wait and see and play a bit further just to see. I think it is usually better than before, but still there may be something that causes a lot of memory to be used all at once, then the slowdown occurs (but at the same time since I have more memory -- perhaps it would crash if not careful).

            No idea why the monitor is turning to sleep mode or off, unless something is overheating and the computer is shuting the video card down.

            That I suppose could happen, but I have not had that happen to me.


            • #21
              in the ini file

              i) turned off movies (causes crash in Diplomacy !!!)
              ii) set DynamicAnimPaging to 0
              iii) set SetMaxFrameRate to 20
              iv) set fullscreen = 0 (then play windowed but at max)
              v) set AllowScreenShots to 0
              vi) set syncinput to 0
              vii) set D3D9Query to 1
              viii) set MouseScrolling to 1 (cos playing in windowsed mode)
              ix) set DynamicUnitPaging to 1 (i think !!! - its dfinately at 1 but not sure whether I changed it)

              also set

              a) LoggingEnabled = 1
              b) OverwriteLogs = 1

              do not know whether they make it work but don't do no harm

              Upped my BIOS AGP settings to 128 (which it should have been at)

              Now in the game

              i) set all graphics to Medium and play at lowest resolution - leave aliasing at 0
              ii) select low res textures - last check on right

              Result - hours without a crash

              Cheers Pete I`ll try this in the future, but I`ve gone back to civ3 until i get a new pc later this year

