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How much is priesthood worth?

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  • How much is priesthood worth?

    That nice Mr Huayna Capac offered me 100 gold for priesthood. I was short of money, so I took it, but it seems like a good deal anyway. Since it took 93 beakers to research, I would expect it to be worth around 80 gold. If so, I would have guessed the AI would offer about 70.

    What rule of thumb do you use for working out the value of a technology?

    RJM at Sleeper's
    Fill me with the old familiar juice

  • #2
    Don't give the AI anything that will drastically buff them.
    This includes Alphabet, Paper, Civil Service, Engineering and so on.
    From then on: A Tech is worth what you can trade for it.


    • #3
      Before you have The Oracle completed or almost completed, it is priceless.
      After The Oracle is completed, 100 gold is a steal. 1 beaker = 1 gold when tech trading, but even getting .75 gold per beaker is a good deal if you need the cash for upgrades. So the AI can build temples now, who cares, they get enough happiness anyways. Better you trade it to them than AI to AI trading.

      I value techs that enable wonders I like unsellable until I have almost completed the wonder. Next are the techs that enable military units, I don't trade those away to a civ I think will ever attack me.

      Education is much better than Nationhood, but I'll happily trade Education for Nationhood(same beaker cost IIRC) because I want every tech and it is much better to stay in the tech trading circle and stay with everyone in tech than it is to not trade. I mean you don't know, they could discover tech X you are trading to them next turn or maybe discovering a new tech and then trade for tech X.

      On lower difficulties when you have a tech lead, of course trade as little as possible.
      On higher difficulties, trade, trade, trade.


      • #4
        I always sell techs for less money than it's worth, and then I sell it for even less to the other AI's (because otherwise they will trade it between eachother). This way I make a lot of friends and I can become the tech leader because the cash allows me to raise the research.

        After a while the AI doesn't have any cash and then I just leave them alone


        • #5
          Re: How much is priesthood worth?

          Originally posted by rjmatsleepers
          That nice Mr Huayna Capac offered me 100 gold for priesthood. I was short of money, so I took it, but it seems like a good deal anyway. Since it took 93 beakers to research, I would expect it to be worth around 80 gold. If so, I would have guessed the AI would offer about 70.

          What rule of thumb do you use for working out the value of a technology?

          RJM at Sleeper's
          Just out of curiosity. What in the world is going on in this game where one of you has discovered Currency, but Capac does not have Priesthood discovered?


          • #6
            Re: Re: How much is priesthood worth?

            Originally posted by rayw69

            Just out of curiosity. What in the world is going on in this game where one of you has discovered Currency, but Capac does not have Priesthood discovered?
            Well I hadn't discovered Currency, so presumably Capac had. (Or is it some sort of AI cheat?) I guess he was just filling in a missed tech. But if so, I wonder why he didn't offer a tech swap. Perhaps the only techs he had available to swap were too valuable, so he chose to buy it. (I was a bit surprised, since the AI usually simply demands the tech they want.)

            As to what was going on, it seemed like a fairly normal game, except that I was playing at deity for the first time.

            RJM at Sleeper's
            Fill me with the old familiar juice


            • #7
              Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
              Don't give the AI anything that will drastically buff them.
              This includes Alphabet, Paper, Civil Service, Engineering and so on.
              From then on: A Tech is worth what you can trade for it.
              Actually, trading techs to the AI (even with good techs) is a good idea.

              The best way is to either give everyone (or a particular block) that particular tech, or gift it away. Good relations =


              • #8
                Re: Re: How much is priesthood worth?

                Originally posted by rayw69

                Just out of curiosity. What in the world is going on in this game where one of you has discovered Currency, but Capac does not have Priesthood discovered?
                Well - seeing as we've found out that Capac has discovered Currency - he has to have researched Writing, Mathematics and Currency, as well as either The Wheel and Pottery or Animal Husbandry. Maybe he was going for the Alphabet Monster strategy.
                Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by xxFlukexx
                  I value techs that enable wonders I like unsellable until I have almost completed the wonder. Next are the techs that enable military units, I don't trade those away to a civ I think will ever attack me.
                  Indeed, the AI values them in much the same way. I had one game in which my good ally China would never give me one equally valued tech for another (based on beaker points). All of sudden one turn they offered me a 1.5 to 1 beaker premium on a tech trade to try to get Nationhood. I was so ecstatic that they were finally being so nice that I took it.

                  The tech allows you to build the Taj Mahal, but I was about 6 turns away from being done with it. Well... I thought, "I can still make this trade now. There's no way they could start building it today and still beat me!" Yeah, right, think again. There's no such thing as a free lunch. China completed the Taj Mahal just a few turns later when I was still two turns away from completing it. I suspect Qin had a Great Engineer ready to go once that trade was made and that's how he beat me.

                  The bottomline, Priesthood commands a premium price while the Oracle is still up for grabs.

                  Additionally, I wouldn't value them as unsellable until you're almost done with your Wonder, but totally done with it!
                  "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu


                  • #10
                    Tech trading for key techs is a necessity unless you have built a commanding a rough parity or lagging situation "whatever you can get for it from everyone" pretty much sums it up for anything you acquire first. Only exception being military techs if you plan to attack someone in the near future and techs that you are protecting for completion of a Wonder.

                    In a decisive tech lead situation - everything is priceless, and the only tech investment worth making is starting fights between AI civs to delay their tech production (and keep them out of your borders). After all, if you can get and keep a lead, and keep the AI civs occupied, a spaceship win is virtually assured.

