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Who says the AI doesn't attack?

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  • Who says the AI doesn't attack?

    Or that the AI can't attack effectively?

    Wow captured another capital in the B.C.s! Julius Caesar proceeds to eliminate Napolean a bunch of turns later and then continues to dominate the rest of the world. I said all Hail caesar and then started a new game(he had like 2.5 times my score when he was done with the rest of the world)

    Tokugawa being the opportunist dork he is(he doesn't even care that we are brothers of the faith) attacks me out of the blue with those two huge stacks and a third huge stack in another place. Phew, gg Tokugawa, that's a lot of units, jesus.

    Sometimes I think my game is broken because I see this stuff all the time. If I get an agrressive civ next to me, he will attack me and it will be bloody and messy. Montezuma has attacked me in 1500ish B.C., people complain of barbarians by 1000B.C., heck I see archer and axemen barbarians by 2000 B.C. and no raging barbarians is not on. If I even dare to send an undefended settler, the turn he settles it is fine, then a barbarian warrior appears, then moves to my city and bye bye city.

    I think before anyone complains that there is no war in Civ 4 they need to stop playing on continents and play on a land map and give that a go. Believe me, when Isabella demands a tech from you and you share borders with her, it's a lot different than just laughing at her because she is a continent away, when you are on Pangaea, it's a chioce, a choice that can get you killed.

  • #2
    *A Choice that can get her killed
    Right you are.


    • #3
      That's why Pangea on small and Monarch with 15 AIs is the best game ever: Constant turmoil.

      BTW what is your military like? Compare it to the average, because if you're getting attacked very often it might be because you're neglecting your military. To at least survive you have to have the average.
      Killing is fun in pixels, isn't it?


      • #4
        The AI attacks me plenty. Only my first couple of games on low levels did they not attack. To be expected I guess. Considering I had tanks when they still had archers. . It would not have been wise for them to attack.


        • #5
          They will attack if you leave one city on their borders undefended, even if your tanks are just 3 turns away.


          • #6
            Old bonapart seems to send the biggest stacks to attack. I didn't get a screen shot but he sent 8...yes EIGHT! transports full of marines to take one of my cities. And they were escorted by as many destroyers and battleships


            • #7
              8 Stacks of Marines? Good god, how well defended -was- your city?


              • #8
                Originally posted by CBR1100
                Old bonapart seems to send the biggest stacks to attack. I didn't get a screen shot but he sent 8...yes EIGHT! transports full of marines to take one of my cities. And they were escorted by as many destroyers and battleships
                C'mon, give us the rest of the scoop!
                Difficulty, map size, map type & # of civs, game speed, etc.


                • #9
                  Personally, I feel that open hostility isn't as pronounced as it was in previous iterations. I've become accostomed to it, but a part of me misses the "world wars" of Civ III. The largest conflaguration I've seen, in about 14 games of Civ IV, is two AI vs. me.


                  • #10
                    My last two Noble games - standard map (eigth civs total) - normal aggression - pangea - I got attacked by a civ that quickly became a 3-civ coalition during the early Medieval period.

                    The second time I had to hide my armies in two border cities because the odds were stacked against me to counter attack in the field once it became a 3-civ coalition. Just about everything was pillaged throughout my empire and I lost most of my military anyhow, when the AI still managed to take those two cities.
                    Last edited by hexagonian; December 15, 2005, 15:54.
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #11
                      kublai got the tech lead on me in my latest game.. We were friends though until free religion. He got that tech early which killed my strategy. Soon I had to beg for peace with Mao and Louie just so I could focus on Kublai's forces... and then he got tanks and it was all over. Tore up my main military unit in 2 turns and proceded to slaughter my cities very quickly.

                      All during this game, everyone fought with everyone else.. except the kicker, noone fought with Kublai and he didn't fight with anyone. I couldn't provoke any fights no matter what. I should have attacked him early but since he was a big religious fan of mine I thought it was ok.
                      ~I like eggs.~


                      • #12
                        I dunno, I had a world war in my last game. Cyrus got a huge chunk of land early on and me an Cyrus proceeded to quickly kill Alexander(well I did all the work and then Cyrus snaked a few cities) About then I noticed that Cyrus was becoming a behemoth. He(1st in pts) declared war on Julius Caesar(2nd in pts) and then China(3rd in pts) declared war on Cyrus. Julius was getting beatten, China was barely keeping even. I decided to join in but was quickly beaten after razing 2 border cities. Man game over.

                        I don't think my rank in # of soldiers has any meaning, I could have a large army or only a bare garrison and I'll still be dead last or near dead last in soldiers, at least on high difficulties...


                        • #13
                          On a lakes, prince level game a couple weeks ago I was friendly with France who was very large and shared a long border with me. I was in first place in points, with France being a close second. Eventually he declares an unprovoked war on me and swarms across my border with the largest army I have EVER seen in Civ4, it had to be no less than 65- 70 Musketeers, Knights, and Catapults. I had a great game go up in smoke after he had taken two of my core cities and was showing no signs of slowing down five turns later.

                          I have never seen an army nearly the size of that one since Civ3. Usually when an Civ4 AI declares war, they have normally have two or three stacks of ten units or so and a few random pillaging cavalry. The AI in general definitely gets stronger and more aggressive on the land maps (Highlands, lakes, pangea, etc).
                          "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                          Tony Soprano


                          • #14
                            When they see war as their best interest they go to war. They're practical like that.


                            • #15
                              I have seen some very nice attacks by the AI in CIV4. It is the best yet in this sequel. On Noble difficulty, I have lost many games due to losing wars.

