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I guess they don't like war

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  • #16
    It's really nice to see half the earth glowing. Looks so cosy and friendly.

    It's just slightly annoying that my grassland floodplains with wheats that used to give me 9 food are turning into worthless deserts.

    Anyway. There's actually a point here. I learned a bit about nukes. They are pretty useful if used in big numbers. They've got infinity distance, so there's no tedious business of getting them to the enemy. They hit adjacent tiles as well, and reduce cities, kill units and they even destroy tile improvements, which is neat. All of these are chances, so if you're unlucky your nuke does no damage at all. But if you throw a few of 'em your enemy is certainly going to hurt.

    The diplomatic penalties are quite big though. And the war weariness it gives is much worse. Ok, the -197 is pretty extreme, but even a few nukes can easily give -10 or so. That can hurt quite hard. And the global warming is really annoying as well.

    So basicly nukes aren't really practical in normal warfare. They just have too many disadvantages. But they are a nice deterrent. Anybody who wants to declare on you will think twice if you have 10 ICBMs stacked in your capital. Which is realistic of course. So that's a nice twist.

    I am just not sure how good it is for gameplay. They take quite a while to produce, and you really need large numbers to be effective. The same number of modern armors will probably impress more.


    • #17
      I think what is going on here is that larger cities get more war weariness, like I've noticed a size 6 city might have 1 WW, while a size 16 city might have 7 WW, the relationship might be quadratic.

      One game I launched... probably over 50 nukes, my cities had bad war weariness, but not the point of 3 per nuke. Like 60% culture handled it.

      If you wonder how I get so many in the first place... one word. Kremlin. I just selected all my cities and hit ctrl-build nuke, then went around rushbuying them. Could rushbuy about 3 nukes a turn, so it didn't take long at all to have an insanely large stockpile of the things.

      Now, where it seems nukes are most useful is at stack-busters, 2 nukes are pretty much guaranteed to take out a city, so if someone has stuffed a city to the gills with defenders, a few nukes can "cleanly" take it out and leave them lamenting the loss of their army, basically ripping them wide open so your modern army can rampage through their less defended cities, whenever they garrison a significant number of units, just nuke two or three times.

      It is a good idea to build a stockpile in advance, as once the nukes start flying you start losing income in a serious way, from closed borders, from desertfied tiles, from those counter-nukes.


      • #18
        If you stockpile properly, you can prevent counter-nukes.


        • #19
          Well if you spy properly I guess you can prevent counter-nukes. Would be cool if we could fire Trident missiles from our submarines. Now that would be MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

          While we're at it, UN should have a "global no-SDI treaty" vote.

          That's how it worked in real life. There never wa a ban on nukes, but there was a ban on nuke-defence. And what does CIV do? They make a ban on nukes, and implement uber-strong nuke defence. Blargh!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Diadem
            No, I don't think it's because my city is so big.

            It's because half of the continent is a glowing radioactive desert I reduced every city the Romans had to size one with nukes, and after that threw some more just for fun. One worker took 5 nukes to kill. Tough guy

            Further testing is needed, but it looks like every nuke adds 3 or so war weariness. Which seems to render them pretty much useless
            one worker took 5 nukes to kill.

            do we need more proof nukes are underpowered?


            • #21
              so you are taking in 10 food and taking out 164.

              show us a picture of the radioactive desert if you have one. I'd love to see all that radioactive waste.

              I built a whole bunch of nukes one game, but forgot to use them before I won the game. I still wish they were more powerful. You just can't put a price on how good it feels to nuke the entire world.


              • #22
                That price is roughly 5000 production.


                • #23
                  isn't there a national wonder that removes all unhappiness in one city - globe theatre i think. question is, does it remove war-weariness?



                  • #24
                    Yeah, there is, and it works on war weariness too.


                    • #25
                      Well, then all my people are going to the theatre. Such a pretty green glow.....


                      • #26
                        The BEST use i found for nukes...

                        I had an OCC game going and i did not have time to finish the space ship... it was actually going to be a points race.

                        I was 3rd (even with 1 city!) and well i had a few turns to crank out some nukes. enough to knock those 2 population wise back enough to lower there points below mine just before 2050.

                        The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


                        • #27
                          Nukes are underpowered, Meltdowns are overpowered, and Firaxis are a bunch of Liberals.
                          It's annoying that a Weapon of Mass Destruction has been relegated to a situational device.

                          I know! We need a Disease Missile that infects a city with a disease, and it travels along Trade Routes like a religion (but with much faster spread)


                          • #28
                            hahahaha this is classic! 69??? rofl! nice nuking and a worker shouldnt even survive so much as a tactical nuke oO

