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Wonder Capture Bug?

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  • Wonder Capture Bug?

    I noticed if I capture a city with a Wonder or a Holy Shrine, all the wonder effects still work, except I no longer receive the culture points being generated from those buildings.

    I think this is a bug?

    I also notice that older wonders you own will start to produce double culture points if they have been around for a long time. This is not documented. Stonehenge was set for 8 culture per turn. After about 50 turns later, it is making 16?

    Also, maybe wierd things happen with swithing religions. I seen a Temple start to produce 2 culture points instead of normal 1.

  • #2
    There are a number of buildings that give +culture to a city: Broadcast Tower, the 7 religious "cathedral" sized buildings, and the Broadway, Hollywood, and Rock 'n Roll wonders each give +50%. The Hermitage gives +100%. In theory, if you managed to put all of these in one city, it would give you a +650% bonus to culture in that city. That Stonehenge would ramp itself all the way up to, um, 60 culture all by itself. Useful buildings, those.

    I'm guessing that these bonuses are added to the individual buildings rather than the city as a whole, but I can't say that I've ever bothered to confirm this.


    • #3
      Those are exactly the same as culture in civ3. As soon as a culture building stands for 1000 years, it starts to produce double culture. When a city is captured, all normal culture building (now except Academy) and national wonders are destroyed, and world wonders stop producing culture, i.e. world wonders provide culture to their builder only.


      • #4
        I seen over at the other Civ Fanataics forum the possible answer.

        It is a undocumented feature, it was in Civ 3. Old building will after a time produce double culture.

        Have you noticed if you capture a Wonder or Holy City Shrine, it will no longer produce any culture points for you?


        I guess this second observation also is a design feature left over from Civ 3 (I never played it and was not aware of it). People should read this thread for some important game info.

        Has anyone else noticed that at some point in the game (early game for me) they get double the listed culture from wonders like stonehenge and oracle? I'll try to get a screen shot of it. Has anyone else seen this? edit: This is on Noble difficulty.
        Last edited by Xerxes712; December 10, 2005, 02:43.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Risa
          Those are exactly the same as culture in civ3. As soon as a culture building stands for 1000 years, it starts to produce double culture. When a city is captured, all normal culture building (now except Academy) and national wonders are destroyed, and world wonders stop producing culture, i.e. world wonders provide culture to their builder only.
          Thanks Risa. Indeed that is what happens. And it has been confirmed.

          I had fun re-installing my game thinking it was a bug! I never got a chance to play Civ 3. I really enjoy these games.

