flat grassland: town
flat grass+river: town (if more hammers needed, watermill)
flat plain: farm (if more hammers needed, workshop)
flat plain+river: farm (if more hammers needed, watermill)
tundra: workshop
tundra+river: farm (if more hammers needed, watermill)
floodplain: farm
grass hill: windmill (if more hammers needed, mine)
plain hill: mine 1 + 1 per food giving resource, the rest windmill.
desert hill: windmill
tundra hill: windmill
later in the game, once you get biology, it is worth it to farm grassland in order to have enough food to workshop/mine more plains. This is assuming you are satisfied with your commerce/science levels and want more production.
About forests:
Forests on hills: chop at your convenience
forest on grassland/plains within city radius: keep!
forests along rivers: chop, unless you have no hills. the extra 1 gold late in the game is usually not as useful as having more farms/towns earlier in the game.
forests outside of city radius: chop away once you have a city close enough to benefit from them, unless you want to keep them, hoping to spread inside a city radius.
what do you think?
flat grass+river: town (if more hammers needed, watermill)
flat plain: farm (if more hammers needed, workshop)
flat plain+river: farm (if more hammers needed, watermill)
tundra: workshop
tundra+river: farm (if more hammers needed, watermill)
floodplain: farm
grass hill: windmill (if more hammers needed, mine)
plain hill: mine 1 + 1 per food giving resource, the rest windmill.
desert hill: windmill
tundra hill: windmill
later in the game, once you get biology, it is worth it to farm grassland in order to have enough food to workshop/mine more plains. This is assuming you are satisfied with your commerce/science levels and want more production.
About forests:
Forests on hills: chop at your convenience
forest on grassland/plains within city radius: keep!
forests along rivers: chop, unless you have no hills. the extra 1 gold late in the game is usually not as useful as having more farms/towns earlier in the game.
forests outside of city radius: chop away once you have a city close enough to benefit from them, unless you want to keep them, hoping to spread inside a city radius.
what do you think?