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Graphics: Mouse keeps flickering and disappearing

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  • Graphics: Mouse keeps flickering and disappearing

    Issue with my graphic, CIV 4 ran fine and at some point - after restarting the game - the mouse started to flicker seems to disappear if it isn't moved.

    3,2 ghz
    1gb ram

    Radeon 9800 XT / 128mb


  • #2
    I've had the same problem. You have to make your hardware video acceleration faster. Right click on the desktop, go to 'preferences' (on the bottom, sorry, I haven't got an english version), then click on the most right tab,then the troubleshoot tab and make sure the ruler is completely to the right. This should solve it. If not, I just don't know.
    Good luck.


    • #3
      can't be the issue on my side - my Hardware Acceleration is maxxed out.

      I also found that this issue only happens in full-screen mode. In window mode the mouse doesn't flicker but is strangely calibrated: to click on a tile I have to click about one tile left and somewhat up... very strange when it comes to selecting units or just do a mouse-over.

      HELP. Needed.


      • #4
        I can't believe no one else is seeing this issue.

        I just got the game for Xmas and am seeing this flickering / disappearing mouse pointer too.

        But only at work.

        When I use it at home, everything's kosher.

        At work I have a brand-new HP NW8240, 2.6Ghz, 60GB HDD, FireGL V5000 Video (whatever that is).

        Updated everything I could think of, including video drivers, directx, soundcard drivers, bios, all of it.

        Still get the issue. This is so annoying it almost keeps me from playing the game (the only thing that keeps my interest is the newness).

        Help, please!


        • #5
          Thanks Oxs!!

          I couldnt figure out why the damned cursor was flashing. No-where could i find any assistance on the web... until now.

          Turns out I left my advanced settings slider in Display Properties not maxed out because I was troubleshooting somethign else a while back.

          Thanks again..

          - PD

