Has anyone read the manual on this one? Let me enlighten you if you havent:
Permanent Alliance -
Your two civilizations essentially become one nation with two rulers. You each continue to have control over your own units and cities, but you share everything else: resources, techmology
, maps, and victory or defeat. If one declares war, the other automatically does so as well. If one signs a treaty, the other is bound by it.
Has anyone out there used this? Im thinking if youre the underdog, getting an entire civs resources AND techs would be quite nice, although they would obviously have to be good friends with you first. Also, what exactly do they mean by 'sharing' victory, if I finish my spaceship they win too? Maybe this was meant more for MP and having 'teams'?
Permanent Alliance -
Your two civilizations essentially become one nation with two rulers. You each continue to have control over your own units and cities, but you share everything else: resources, techmology
Has anyone out there used this? Im thinking if youre the underdog, getting an entire civs resources AND techs would be quite nice, although they would obviously have to be good friends with you first. Also, what exactly do they mean by 'sharing' victory, if I finish my spaceship they win too? Maybe this was meant more for MP and having 'teams'?