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production queue question

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  • production queue question

    According to the tips, when in the city screen you should be able to press ctrl-(a number key) and memorize the production queue. Then in a new city screen you should be able to type the number key (without holding down the ctrl key) and the queue will be replicated.

    When I do it I get a variety of units, but never any of the buildings that were in the original queue. I've tried it with various numbers, and I've tried it using the alt key instead of the ctrl key. The tip says it should work, but it doesn't.

    Anybody else encountered this?

  • #2
    do they mean any number key or specifically the actual '#' key? did u try that?


    • #3
      The pound key is actually shift-3, and yeah, I did try that (ctrl-shift-3). I appreciate the attempt to help out but unfortunately that didn't work either.


      • #4
        Pound (£) key?

        When i saw the tip it was the hash (#) key, not the pound. If you have a british keyboard layout it is just to the left of the enter key. US-layout i don't know.


        • #5
          I've been struggling with this also. I can't get it to work any way either -- by using shift, ctrl, alt, any of the ten numbers, the # sign, etc.

          At first I thought it had to do with the fact that perhaps I saved too many buildings, and was loading the queue into a town where some items in the queue had already been completed. However, that isn't the problem, as it doesn't want to save even one item to the queue.

          I'd appreciate any answers as well...


          • #6
            I can't help but feel that since it's written into the tips file and is obviously wrong that sooner or later somebody from Fireaxis will stumble across this thread and do something about it.

            One can only hope.

