I soooo hate it!!
Out of my five last game, 3 have ended long, long before reaching year zero and always for the same reason - The Mongolian early invasion - the invasion that seems totaly impossible to counter against.
So here is the setting: Pangea, Monarch, Standard world.
The problem: Somewhere around turn 40 Mongols declare war and then their stacks starts to pop up just everywhere... suddenly there is a stack of 4 chariots turning up just west of my city, another stack of 3 archers turning up from east... a third stack of 2 chariots + 1 archer appear just close to the second stack..
....but that´s not his entire invasion force. He also has 2 galleys(!) heading for my city packed with units (can´t remeber the exact lineup but I think it was 2 archers + 1 chariot)
Remember, this is still VERY early in the game.
One of a sudden this has become such pain in the *** !
Does anyone have any strategical advice as how to counter such a massive invasion during early game?
(A few archer parked in a city won't do the job ... they are far outbumbered!)I am not entirely sure but is feels like that should I be pumping out ONLY military units in my only city (witch is NOT an option from the strategical point of view) it is still doubtful if the invasion of this massive force could be hindered.
Somehow I also feel a bit annoyed as well.
Sure the A.I should be given bonuses and extra units on higher difficulties ... but starting the game with several bonus military units + a worker for an instant buildup of infrastructure ... and then a few turns later throwing them mindlessly against the hapless human makes for a very clear outcome - whitout anything strategic beeing involved whatsoever and that feels stupid.
Damn those Mongolians ...
Any thoughts?
Out of my five last game, 3 have ended long, long before reaching year zero and always for the same reason - The Mongolian early invasion - the invasion that seems totaly impossible to counter against.
So here is the setting: Pangea, Monarch, Standard world.
The problem: Somewhere around turn 40 Mongols declare war and then their stacks starts to pop up just everywhere... suddenly there is a stack of 4 chariots turning up just west of my city, another stack of 3 archers turning up from east... a third stack of 2 chariots + 1 archer appear just close to the second stack..
....but that´s not his entire invasion force. He also has 2 galleys(!) heading for my city packed with units (can´t remeber the exact lineup but I think it was 2 archers + 1 chariot)
Remember, this is still VERY early in the game.
One of a sudden this has become such pain in the *** !
Does anyone have any strategical advice as how to counter such a massive invasion during early game?
(A few archer parked in a city won't do the job ... they are far outbumbered!)I am not entirely sure but is feels like that should I be pumping out ONLY military units in my only city (witch is NOT an option from the strategical point of view) it is still doubtful if the invasion of this massive force could be hindered.
Somehow I also feel a bit annoyed as well.
Sure the A.I should be given bonuses and extra units on higher difficulties ... but starting the game with several bonus military units + a worker for an instant buildup of infrastructure ... and then a few turns later throwing them mindlessly against the hapless human makes for a very clear outcome - whitout anything strategic beeing involved whatsoever and that feels stupid.
Damn those Mongolians ...

Any thoughts?