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Spiral Minaret Question

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  • Spiral Minaret Question


    I just wanted to know if the Spiral Minaret is functioning properly. I've built the wonder, but it doesn't list that it's actually making me money. Normally under the buildings section of city view it will show you if a building is giving you a bonus to money, but the Spiral Minaret doesn't do this. I also checked to see if it was calculating it directly into my gold by mousing over my listed gold of the city in which I built the Spiral Minaret, but it didn't show it in there either.

    Any insight that could be provided would be greatly appreciated!


  • #2
    Not the wonder itself, but the built religious buildings in every town generate money. Of the state religion, of course.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply!

      Do you know where it shows the amount of money the Spiral Minaret is making? When you use a Great Prophet to build the religious building in a city it shows the amount of money it generates under the buildings section of the city view. The Spiral Minaret doesn't do this. At first I thought it only counted the religious buildings in the city that the Spiral Minaret was built in (I didn't have any of my state religious buildings in this city at the time). So, I built both a Temple and Monastery of my state religion in this city, but neither increased the gold for this city. It's probably listed somewhere, I just don't know where else to look. Iit seems like this would be a nice money maker for those religiously inclined players, so I would think this would be working properly because I couldn't find anybody listing any problems about the Spiral Minaret when I did a forums search.

      Thanks again,


      • #4
        Doh! Ok, Handel, I just reread your post and the light bulb went off. I get it now. I was thinking that like the main religious building created by a Great Prophet, the Spiral Minaret would generate the money from all the religious buildings and give it to the city with the Spiral Minaret. Instead, in each city with a religious building, that city gets a +1 money for the building. Well, not as good as I thought it was going to be, but still nice to have.

        Thanks for the help! (even though I was a little slow on the uptake...)



        • #5
          The spiral minaret don't shows any money at all. Check any state religion temple, catedral etc in any town. You will see 1 gold listed next to it.

