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HELP! Now can't even install...error 6005

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  • HELP! Now can't even install...error 6005

    It's incredible...even getting worse:
    On Sunday i wanted to give a one more shot to Civ4 (which i bought more than 1 month ago and didn't play for a single minute)... was planning to uninstall the game and do some more tweaks before trying again.
    I uninstalled...cleaned up all the folders of the game, reboot etc., than installing again...and GUESS WHAT????

    I launch setup, click on install, and then i got an error message stating that installation can't start, due to the following:

    -Close any running programs
    -Empty your temporary folder
    -Check you internet connection (Internet Based Set-Ups)

    Try then run Set-up again.

    Error Code- 6005

    Everything is of course updated, rebooted, etc. Of course i did what the error message suggest to do.
    All the folders of the game where manually deleted.
    I had already installed the game (same dvd of course) some 5-6 times in the past month.

    Anybody has a clue?
    My PC exceeds reco specs, of course...



  • #2
    Use the un-install program in Add/Remove Programs, and then after that if there are saved games or files left then delete the folder.

    Have you tried the part -- of Fixing your Install?

    Why do people not install or uninstall games the way that the OS says to do so, even if it is automatic on the Install, which can be done?

    Simply put -- you probably mucked up your uninstall by deleting stuff out of the folder that is needed to actually un-install everything.


    • #3
      Next if you used your old Registry info - which probably did happen -- you will have to uninstall anything in that file also == or go to a backup of that file that did not have Civilization IV as being installed on your computer.

      Simply run == Regedit == and then start "Seaching" which is "Finding" anything related to Civilization IV by starting at the top of the file when it is opened. Do not mess with it too much, but Deleting things related to Civilization IV won't harm anything now.

      THen see if there is a 'Key' in a folder that is a bunch of numbers and letters also in a folder that looks like it contain - 'keys" or a string something like what Microsoft installs with their OS updates and other things:

      {4958- C54F-5HOR-4392} as just an example as that string is just gibberish, but there may also be a folder with something or maybe not that has something like that for Civ IV. I don't actually know if that will be necessary, so after all of that -- try to install the thing in Add/Remove programs -- or look if it is still listed there -- and try to Uninstall the program compeletly from there first -- or Fix the Installation of the Program.

      Or just start over - and completely redo your entire OS -- without running a previous Registry File by RE-Formating your entire HardDisk and completley re=installing every freakin' program that was on your computer!

      Do you have a backup file for your computer - or can you go backwards to an earlier version of the OS and start from that point -- they do include that nowadays!

      If not -- a backup next time may help you!

      ME has a backup system like that -- go back to before you installed Civilization IV and start over if you can -- it will save you time!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Raion
        Why do people not install or uninstall games the way that the OS says to do so, even if it is automatic on the Install, which can be done?

        Simply put -- you probably mucked up your uninstall by deleting stuff out of the folder that is needed to actually un-install everything.
        Raion, thanks for your help, i will try with regedit and see what i can do.

        Just to answer...i uninstalled the game the way it's meant to be uninstalled.
        Me going through the folders and manually deleting existing files comes AFTER this piece of crap can't install anymore.
        I know how to go through regedit as i'm some kind of "expert", i simply can't stop imaging how it must be for somebody who simply thought that was buying a computer game that would have worked without having to be manually re-written it all over.

        It's just incredible that this game was released. And 2 months ago maybe?...incredible.

        Thanks again.



        • #5
          Well I am running Windows 2K Professional, but maybe XP has something to do with it. I do not know but I have uninstalled the game and re-installed the game with no problems for various reasons, just to end up changing my computer name before the patch came out.

          A new profile would not stick after the game ended, only when staying in the game - but the 1.09 patch fixed that bug, so now I have a couple of Profiles for saving games in the same place -- just use another Profile to make them different names!


          • #6
            I just bought the game today and get the exact same error message.


            • #7
              I should also report that at times the error shows as -6003 as well.

              Well above system specs, windows xp.


              • #8
                Yeah, for some reason, I can't uninstall the game, or install the patch...
                GC Magazine|Gamecatcher


                • #9
                  ok, it seems as though the install wizard for the game is somehow corrupt. I went through the registry and tried to delete anything I found but the game still wont install I get an error from installshield. Before erasing it from the registry I couldn't uninstall the game either nor could I install the patch. Any suggestions?
                  GC Magazine|Gamecatcher


                  • #10
                    yeah, return it for a new copy of the game. I had a bunch of these weird errors, figured out it was a bad disk.

                    Try this: copy all the files on the cd to an empty folder, does it work? If so, you can try running the installer from the folder, it should work. If not, and you get a cyclic redundandcy check like me. Return the game for a new copy.

                    My new copy works fine now. Looks like there are some bad runs out there though, as I've seen a number of posts about this problem.

