Has anyone else gotten frustrated with trying to build a wonder, but not being able to? I feel like I am missing some information somewhere.
In my current game, I want to build West Point. I researched Military Tradition about 10 turns ago. The city has 1 other National Wonder in it (Heroic Epic). The city has a warrior in it with 6 xp. I assume when it says a unit of 5 xp is required, it means 5 or more.
I encountered this situation before, when in another game I wanted to build the Three Gorges Dam. I researched the tech, but it wouldn't let me build it in the city I wanted. I remembered from Civ3 (was it?) that the Hoover Dam had to be built in a city along a river, so I went to city along a river and looked at the production queue, and lo and behold, there's 3 Gorges. Nothing is mentioned in the tooltip about a river being required, so I check the civilopedia -- nothing mentioned there either.
I also noticed that in a pure non-combat game I was playing, it never offered Heroic Epic as a choice. I think that may have a requirement of war with another nation or one of your units winning a battle, or something like that.
So is there a place where these requirements are documented? Am I just missing something? How do I get that darn West Point?!
My apologies if this has been discussed somewhere and I missed it.
In my current game, I want to build West Point. I researched Military Tradition about 10 turns ago. The city has 1 other National Wonder in it (Heroic Epic). The city has a warrior in it with 6 xp. I assume when it says a unit of 5 xp is required, it means 5 or more.
I encountered this situation before, when in another game I wanted to build the Three Gorges Dam. I researched the tech, but it wouldn't let me build it in the city I wanted. I remembered from Civ3 (was it?) that the Hoover Dam had to be built in a city along a river, so I went to city along a river and looked at the production queue, and lo and behold, there's 3 Gorges. Nothing is mentioned in the tooltip about a river being required, so I check the civilopedia -- nothing mentioned there either.
I also noticed that in a pure non-combat game I was playing, it never offered Heroic Epic as a choice. I think that may have a requirement of war with another nation or one of your units winning a battle, or something like that.
So is there a place where these requirements are documented? Am I just missing something? How do I get that darn West Point?!
My apologies if this has been discussed somewhere and I missed it.