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Diplomatic victory through global thermal nuclear war…

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  • Diplomatic victory through global thermal nuclear war…

    So it’s late in the game, myself and 5 other Civs remain. Its late in the game I’m in control of the UN and get the pop up for what to do next with it. We’ve pretty much passed every resolution, except of course the nuclear non proliferation act. Like I’m ever going to bring that up, I’m still stockpiling them.

    Now the last two times I tried for diplomatic victory it just ended in a stale mate. I have Gandhi and Roosevelt in my pocket thanks to some early and prolong butt kissing. Roosevelt had my religion until we adopted free religion via the UN and I’ve been giving them both resources for nothing for some time now. The two of them share the same continent that I am on and the three of us have had peace through the whole game.

    The other three Civ’s that remain are the Mongols, Aztecs and the Greeks. All three of them have been demanding I cancel deals with my good friends for some time now and the world seems basically split between us. I had defensive pacts with Gandhi and Roosevelt which of course got me into a war with the Aztecs who are very close to me although on another continent.

    So back to the UN thing, the two contenders for the diplomatic victory were Genghis Khan and I. Roosevelt and Gandhi always vote for me and Montezuma and Alexander always voted for Genghis. I could always pull the votes to control the UN but not enough for victory.

    So I decide to experiment and see if I nuke the hell out of my three rivals if on their turn they will have fewer votes due to the rapid depletion of their population. And my theory was correct. The Greeks, bless them, had SDI in place. I decide not to waste my nukes on them and check out how Montezuma and Khan fare. Poor Monte not only doesn’t have SDI but seems to not have built bomb shelters yet. One dozen of his cities pop 12-16 are now down to 2 or 4 in size. Khan doesn’t have SDI either and it’s a massacre for his populace as well. The Aztec continent is glowing and parts of the Greek/Mongol continent don’t look so well either.

    After all that nuking I figure Gandhi or Roosevelt might be upset – Gandhi wasn’t at all apparently he was not friends with any of the other 3 Civ’s. The ones that asked me to break treaties and trades with him and so forth. Bad for them, good for me. Roosevelt was a bit friendly toward the Mongols for some reason with a “-16 you nuked our friend” oh well lets see how the votes turn out before the world turns into a desert.

    Genghis was still the number 2 contender on the vote squad despite the fact he now had less population then Gandhi (all thanks to decimating his pop on the turn of the vote), Montezuma still voted for him although his now 60 or so votes were not noticeable. Alexander had a change of heart for Genghis and abstained for some reason. Gandhi and Roosevelt, friends till the end still voted for me resulting in a diplomatic victory.

    So just a tip, if you’re going for a diplomatic victory and can’t quite sqeeze out enough votes consider nuking your enemies but may want to ask your friendly supporters how they feel about other leaders first, cause they might just not care you launched 50 warheads in one round.
    Last edited by Silver14; December 5, 2005, 19:03.

  • #2

    Is funny! Thanks for the story and strategy.


    • #3

      Victory! I rule the... err... desert!


      • #4
        I don't think it is Thermonuclear. You get the nukes after discovering plain old fission. Thermonuclear war requires hydrogen bombs.


        • #5
          ROFL! That's great. Are we playing Civilization here, or Nuclear Escalation?
          Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


          • #6
            Nice, nice. It will work even better in multiplayer

            Originally posted by Diadem

            Victory! I rule the... err... desert!
            Probably "I Rule The Ruins" (c) Warlock
            By the way, it's a nice lyrics
            Knowledge is Power


            • #7
              Originally posted by dschur
              I don't think it is Thermonuclear. You get the nukes after discovering plain old fission. Thermonuclear war requires hydrogen bombs.
              Eh specifics.

              Its a shame you can't build atom/hydrogen bombs that can then be loaded onto bombers and dropped on cities in range in this game. I miss the tactical nukes you could load on subs ...maybe that'll be back in the expansion.


              • #8
                I thought I would pull this thread up from the bottom just because I used this tactic again recently. If you have a good stock pile of nukes it can really shift the decideing votes to your side.

                If you are short a few votes to win a diplomatic victory the next time the vote comes up on the turn of the vote nuke your rival and their supporters into the ground - lowering their population and hence vote counts. If it works out you win, game over. If not...


                • #9
                  Nice, now I might finally be able to get that diplomatic victory that I've never been nice enough to achieve


                  • #10
                    interesting. I like it.

                    I've gotten diplo victory, but only through conquest and controlling 50% of the population.

