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'let's chill, dude'-strategy?

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  • 'let's chill, dude'-strategy?

    Are there any circumstances under which it would be wise *not* to build a thing or unit as soon as the previous is done ? Or for that matter waiting a few turns until I research the next tech? Or should I build and research as much as I can ?

    "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

  • #2
    Yes you do not want to wait, except: drop research rates to raise cash for upgrades in specific circumstances.


    • #3
      Early in the game, I often will switch to a barracks or military unit for a few turns to let my city grow before building a settler or worker.

      A few times, I've also run out of things I want to build in certain cities. If I have all the units I want and there are no useful buildings left, I'll sometimes switch to research for a few turns until I get another useful technology


      • #4
        There is always something useful to build. For example, if you own a holy city and have all the buildings and units you want from a specific city, then you could always make a missionary to further spread your religion somewhere and get one gold per turn at no cost to you.

        I have never seen a benefit to stopping production anywhere, and certainly no reason to stop researching.
        "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

        Tony Soprano


        • #5
          Even if you are not far from discovering a technology that will unlock a newer unit, I still think you should build the unit that the new tech will obsolete. You never know who will declare war on you when, esp at higher difficulty levels. Even if all your units are not state of the art, it's good to have SOME units rather than none simply because you want the latest and greatest. You can also upgrade your units later. There was another thread in this forum about building "nothing" (i.e. an empty production queue). I couldn't ever see a reason to not build something, and there's never any reason to ignore research.
          "Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu


          • #6
            The only time when I will stall production is when I attempt a CS Sling - though this is usually done by inserting something else into the Production Queue of the Oracle city.

