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Observations On Early AI Play

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  • Observations On Early AI Play

    Someone elsewhere followed three AI players through the first hundred turns. Being curious about that, I followed all six opponents through the first 26 turns. I played on Epic speed, Monarch level, and Pangea world. Given my unfamiliarity with the World Builder, I wasn't able to glean all possible info. For example, I didn't realize until halfway through this that some civs, who appeared not to have workers, did indeed have them but that the civs were guarding them by pairing them with archers. I was also disappointed that there didn't appear to be a way to actually take over the computer players. The information would be a lot easier to get that way. Anyway, here are some observations I've made. The AI players were Alexander, Tokugawa, Cyrus, Isabella, Roosevelt, and Asoka.

    * At the beginning, all of the civs were building archers, even though none of them had the archery tech. I assume that this is a way to give the AI a Monarch-level advantage.
    * After turn 11, both Roosevelt and Isabella had the Archery tech even though neither had the Hunting tech. I found that odd.
    * Tokugawa seemed to follow a rather odd strategy. After exploiting a rice resource, his worker started building roads everywhere, even on squares where they would not be needed later. It seemed that the AI wanted to keep the worker active even though it had nothing useful to do.
    * The AI civs seem to start building settlers as soon as they hit size 2.
    * Isabella started with three archers and no worker, and made no attempt to building a worker, building an archer instead and then a settler as soon as city size was 2.

    The 26 turns really weren't enough to get a good hold on the AI's approach to the early game. However, one thing is clear, given the settings I used. If you build a worker first, followed by a settler, the AI players are going to have their second cities up and running before you do.

  • #2
    According to HandicapInfo.xml, all of the AI start with archery at Monarch and above (this bonus may apply at lower difficulties as well, I don't have Civ 4 available on this computer. )
    Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
    I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


    • #3
      I just got home, so I dug into that file. The AI gets archery free at monarch, archery and hunting at emperor, archery/hunting/agriculture at immortal, and the wheel/agriculture/hunting/archery at diety. The AI has no free techs at difficulties lower than monarch. The player gets free techs at settler, chieftan and warlord.
      Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.

