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Why does the ai care what your religion is?

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  • #46
    GodSpawn, you are funny....
    Everytime you suggest to cease the debate, and then you continue to trow in more arguments

    Finarfin: It's obvious that you concider those that believe in things you don't believe in to be surrational. Like you will think that people who do not believe things you do believe are silly as well. That's nothing more then the "I'm smarter then everybody I disagree with" approach. I hope it'll bring you hapyness and luck, though I'm afraid it won't
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #47
      CyberShy: It's worked for me for a long, long time so your fears about my inability to be happy are already unfounded. I have no problem if people want to believe mythology to be truth; in fact, I find their stories to be quite entertaining at times. Some of them have even been made into films.

      May Illuvatar bless you.


      • #48
        CyberShy: It's worked for me for a long, long time so your fears about my inability to be happy are already unfounded.
        Your happyness most obviously won't come from your "I'm smarter then everybody I disagree with" approach. I'm happy to hear that you're happy though!

        And don't mix up mythology with faith in supernatural beings. Mythology is giving a divine interpertation to natural things or believing in deities that are more or less alike to natural things.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • #49
          So what you're saying is that mythology would be something like a cataclysmic flood, or a sea parting to allow people to pass, or a deity clothed in the form of a man, right?


          • #50
            Originally posted by CyberShy

            - do you know that christians who practice their believe are the biggest donators to the poor? Overhere in Holland, perhaps 5% of the people is practicing their faith while they donate 60% of the money to the poor!!
            - do you know that the majority of the people who're helping others, like giving aid in Africa, helping drugs addicts, etc. are christians?
            So what.

            One thing Ive learnt is the reason everyone hates the West is because we interfere.

            The best thing we could posibly do is isolate ourselves from the poorer nations and let them develop naturally. Simple evolutionary theory.

            Originally posted by CyberShy

            - Do you know that all our medical care came originally from christianity?
            Rubbish! Medicine have been used in some way as far back as recorded history goes
            Originally posted by CyberShy

            And if we compare the deaths caused by relious zealoats, like Osama Bin Laden, The crusades, North Ireland, etc. to people who murdered not out of religious ideas, like Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc. then there are FAR MORE deaths on the non-religious side.
            And thats a defence? Less people died? Religion is good because the 2 biggest wars were not religiously motivated?
            Originally posted by CyberShy
            I'm sorry, but if you say things like that you 're just proving that you're misinformed. It's quiet funny to see you writing stuff like "I'm more rational and objective than you"
            Being an Athiest, something which I have come to on my own. I didnt need to read it in a book, or have it drummed into me by a parent.

            I regard all religion as slightly less beliveable than Little Red Riding Hood. The fact that religious people kill for that belief makes you all dangerous, without exception.

            I agree that religion served a useful purpose in establishing laws and civilised society in early civilisation, but I feel that Western Europe has started to outgrow this. Obviously America still has issues, but then thats where all the puritans went when we kicked them out, huh?

            Perhaps I am wrong and there is a god, but then consider this:

            If this planet and all that happens on it is by his design, he must be some kind of sick **** anyway. And the argument about giving us free will.... Are we just a bit of entertainment then? Reality TV started before Big Brother.

            But religion is a GREAT addition to CIV.

            Excuse me now, I have to take a Jihad out on Alexander the Great, who refuses to turn and join me and my Tao brothers, and feel the force flow in general, and bring balance and order to the universe.
            The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


            • #51
              Well, AI's hate me for having the wrong religion. Shouldn't they hate me for having no religion? Don't they want to convert heathen me. Sometimes its easier to just pick NONE as my religion if the AI's are getting annoyed. Zoom....all the -3's from all the other religions disappear.
              Plus maybe we need an option to decrease the total number of religions in a game (or maybe make some of them equivalent to each other). Do we really need seven religions (plus none) when there's only 3 civ's?
              .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


              • #52
                I would like to stay on this original post topic for information.

                You are saying if I pick NO religion as my state religion...then the AI negative effects go away?

                I agree, picking no religion is a 'religion' and should be treated just as bad, or maybe slightly less so since you do not get the small +1 happy smile.

                As a No State Religion, you can still get benefits of the Religious Civics, and none of the bad relationship changes.

                I do notice if an AI is the same religion as yours, it is a positive.

                You cannot ask a AI civ to convert unless that AI has one city with that religion in it to be known.

                The AI hatred of you depends upon how much in population it has and how many of your civ has his religion spread into you.

                Example if you have 100% relgion AAA, and the AI has pure 100% BBB, he will hate you the most especialy if all his cities and yours are all fully singular.

                If you have a 50% mix though, or a small number of cities with both said religion; say AAB, and the AI is BBA, the AI attitude is not quite as bad to you.

