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Diplomacy Bug in 1.09

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  • Diplomacy Bug in 1.09

    Just trying to figure out if this experience is "normal" or a bug, and if it is a bug, is it specific to my install, or universal to all Civ players?

    I play a lot of team games. Me and a friend vs. several teams of computers. (Or an AI ally.) I find the strategy in random starting location team games to be quite fascinating.

    Problem is, one AI team in every game I play does something very strange. Specifically, they stop trading with me. Normally, I can convince just about any AI civ to trade with me, if only for simple things like World Map and Open Borders. Even an AI at "Cautious" will often accept an Open Borders arrangement, and I've even gotten one past an AI at "Annoyed."

    But one AI team, selected randomly in each game, won't. Or rather, they will at first, but then they'll stop. They'll never approach me for a trade, and every time I pull up their trade screen, everything on their side is red ("We don't like you enough"). These civs are often "Pleased" or "Friendly" with me, but they won't even CONSIDER Open Borders or World Map exchanges. EVER.

    It's happened with a team of Tokugawa/Elizabeth. It's happened with a Saladin/Montezuma team. A Washington/Ghandi team. Totally random, and it happens every time.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    Is it SUPPOSED to work like this (and if so, WHY???)?

  • #2
    Yes I have had the same problem the last two games I played since I patched to 1.09.....

    Makes no sense. If they are pleased or friendly, why would the reason for not trading tech/resources??

    I enjoy the game but I have a ton of frustrations with some of the gameplay.


    • #3
      i had this too with the americans.
      after bribing and trading a lot, bringing my relations to +6, they finally reconsidered let me go in...
      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


      • #4
        It does seem arbitrary. Sometimes no one will trade and at other times almost everyone wants to.

