I admit that I really haven't gotten into the civ games since the first and I'm finding it overwhelming to learn. I'm playing Noble level right now with standard-sized terran map. Here are some issues that I hope some of you can help with:
I'm sure there's more I need to learn, but this might be good for a start.
- Distance from capital and number of cities costs: are these fixed for each difficulty level? Should I just learn the limits and not build any more cities when I reach it? Should I wait until I get a civic that helps with this? Are courthouses worth building in the early stages?
- The early years: Ideally, one would want to build a settler early on. Since this stops the growth, should I wait until my first city grows to size 3 or 4 and use this city to build all settlers and workers? Should I build a worker before I build my first settler if I have good resources in my fat cross? Your thoughts?
- Which techs to take? One civic that I found early on in the game was organized religion. If I got all my cities under one religion and started on buildings, the 25% bonus would be a great boost. Are there many worthwhile buildings in the beginning or should I wait for org. religion?
- Is it a good idea to exploit my civ's traits? Let's say I had creative - should I skip building obelisks? Should I build cottages with finiancial civs rather than farms? Should I go to war asap with an aggressive civ? Or is it best in all cases to grow my cities first and then concentrate on these?
- When trading resources with another civ (e.g. rice for cow), are you just trading the +1, +1 stats or do all the square's resources get traded to them? If it's just the lesser stats, why would a civ trade an identical resource?
I'm sure there's more I need to learn, but this might be good for a start.
