The UN can be improved in many ways but the game is better for having the diplo victory than for leaving it out. Human players can weigh up the benefits and costs to defying the UN resolutions, the hard part is getting the AI to calculate the options. If it can be done, there are lots of other things the UN could vote on.
I like the idea of different degrees of UN compliance. You shouldn't become a major rogue state for defiance on one issue - and pariahs who share defiance on the same issue might bond closer as a reaction.
On the civics, I think it would be better if the UN voted disapproval of a specific item like police state or slavery, rather than compelling everyone to move to a single solution. That wouldn't stop anyone adopting the civic but it would come with penalties. The major problem with this at the moment is the inadequate interface - it'll take a redesign to allow 30+ vote choices offered to you in a presentable way.
I like the idea of different degrees of UN compliance. You shouldn't become a major rogue state for defiance on one issue - and pariahs who share defiance on the same issue might bond closer as a reaction.
On the civics, I think it would be better if the UN voted disapproval of a specific item like police state or slavery, rather than compelling everyone to move to a single solution. That wouldn't stop anyone adopting the civic but it would come with penalties. The major problem with this at the moment is the inadequate interface - it'll take a redesign to allow 30+ vote choices offered to you in a presentable way.