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Does the AI ever declare war?
Originally posted by Diadem
You were ahead in the techrace solo?
Perhaps the AI is just very relunctant to attack civs who are far ahead of them techwise.
Just like a human player wouldn't soon go to war against someone far ahead of him even if that guy has little standing army. Unless you can surprise him by a sudden major offensive that is. But otherwise his superior tech and production will just make you loose in the long run.
I get declared on all the time at Noble. Monty *always* declares on me, even if same religion and good relations, before the middle ages. Japan declares a lot on me as does Catherine if I haven't cultivated good relations over time (this becomes a priority for me in any game that contians her). Rome declares a lot as does England.
Originally posted by James M
Maybe there's a division by zero error, and they think you're infinitely strong.
I'll try this out at sometime too, it certainly seems like an inversion of the normal mechanics.
To answer the tech lead question, yes, I was ahead for awhile, but lost it towards the end of the game. However, no matter what the tech situation, when I have tried to defend before with just a warrior, worker and galley, I was always toast fairly soon afterwards!
Originally posted by Philotas
I find it interesting that some are finding that the AI's are too aggressive and others are finding the AI's are not aggressive enough. And, even better, many are finding that the AI's can be inconsistent, unpredictable, and even "unhinged".
However, unrealistic AIs aren't good either...
The person who never has war declared on him/her probably needs to check to see if the settings are set so that all the AIs are always peaceful.
I've never played a game without Alexander the Great declaring war on me.Killing is fun in pixels, isn't it?