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Does the AI ever declare war?

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  • Does the AI ever declare war?

    In all the games I've played, the AI has never declared war on me. Not once. Not even when I'm way behind and completely neglect my military. Not even when they hate me.

    I'm not necessarily unhappy with this. But I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing something wrong...

    I admit I don't always play until the end of the game. Often I loose interest somewhere halfway. Perhaps AIs only declare lategame?

  • #2
    What level are you playing on?

    On Warlord and Prince level I often get attacked by the AI, even by two at the same time.


    • #3
      All the time. I wish it wouldn't so much. Wars slow down the game.


      • #4
        Diadem, if you're not getting attacked then raise the difficulty level, and maybe pre-select Isabella, Ghengis and Montezuma as rivals. There's also an Aggressive AI option somewhere in the setup, if they're still not obliging.


        • #5
          I often play on warlord, noble or prince. But I found the same on monarch the few games I played.

          I tried a game on deity to see if I could get the AI to attack me. Duel size map quick game, with Ghandi as only rival. I neglected defence, tech, economy, everything. I got a rival religion as the AI had. He quickly pulled a domination victory, and he was building SS components by the time I was researching gunpowder. But he never attacked me. In fact he started to *give* me technologies (how insulting!).

          In the end he cultureflipped my only city (didn't know it was possible to cultureflip capitals!) and destroyed me like that. But he never attacked. He had tanks and cannons stationed around my city though.

          Perhaps Ghandi is just a *****. But it's weird.


          • #6
            If you want to get attacked, preselect Montezuma, Genghis Khan (sp?) and/or Isabella. You're bound to get attacked eventually, even if you're blatanly stronger than them.


            • #7
              Why did you pick the Ghandi AI instead of a warlike one?


              • #8
                in my current game (noble level, random AI personalities) first Montezuma declared war (which cost him a city) then Louis XIV (which cost him a city) and last but not least Elisabeth.
                And Montezuma even declared war a second time after some years of peace despite having lost a city in his first attack.

                I think they´re all pissed off that I permanently refuse to give them tech or gold as tribute and that I´m a good friend of Saladin who had war with some of the gang (and of cause because I had the wrong religion as state religion [Judaism instead of Hinduism which was/is the state religion of all my attackers])
                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                • #9
                  Louis is extremely aggressive in my experience. I've been attacked a number of times by various leaders, but Louis is the only one who has attacked me for no discernable reason. Our diplomatic relations were at cautious, we had open borders/trade agreements and a shared religion, a military both bigger and stronger than his, and yet he still invaded right out of the blue.
                  Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                  • #10
                    I'm running an experiment and I'm having the exact opposite reactions from the AIs as you are experience. I always seem to get attacked.. usually by multiple civs and relatively early on.

                    Continents, Standard, Rocky, High Sea Level, Noble, Random AI opponents.

                    I've been running as Peter working on Domination tactics (first time on Continents and Noble) and I'm having a heck of a time surviving due to continued invasions. I'm not sure if it's because I'm on Noble difficulty now or because there is so small of usable land that the AI feels the need to attack weak(ish) neighbors in order to get a prerequisite number of cities.

                    Anyway, give those settings a try if you want. I'd be curious to see if you get attacked then.


                    • #11
                      I wish I never got attacked.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Deity Dude
                        I wish I never got attacked.
                        Me too.

                        On Prince I have no trouble getting the AI to declare war on me. Quite the opposite...


                        • #13
                          I speculate that map size has something to do with AI attacking or not. Try a larger map Diadem.


                          • #14
                            my first couple of games I was never attacked. But now I regularly am attacked.


                            • #15
                              Well perhaps I don't play long enough. I have a habit of abandoning games after a while, to try another strategy. Still though. If I saw an opponent with a grand total of 2 warriors by 500 AD - I'd attack for sure. The AI never does...

                              The barbarians though... They sure do...

