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Resource Connection Failed?

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  • Resource Connection Failed?

    Situation: I had a city on one island that had expanded once beyond the fat cross. The expansion included a tile with silk on a second island (I had put silk there myself with the world builder). I moved a worker to the second island, built the plantation, and built a railroad on the tile with silk. I had researched both sailing and astronomy

    Result: I did not get silk back to any city (even the one that had expanded to include the tile.)

    I would have expected the railroad on the tile to take the silk to the coast square; the coast to the city; and the city by ocean to rest of my cities.

    Has anyone seen this? Am I doing something wrong?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    You can't road to the Coast, you can only road to rivers.
    Also, I don't think resources link if they're on the coast.
    Basically, you'll need to road that resource to a city or you won't get the benefit, since I doubt that tiny island has a river.


    • #3
      Enigma_Nova is correct. To get the resource you would have to build a town on that island to the south. The hill with the jungle would probably be the best spot if you really need that resource.
      "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Ben Franklin


      • #4
        The hill with the jungle would be the only spot, as the others are too close. This behaivour is quite frustrating at times. I think there needs to be some way to get the resoures in these situations, either a trade boat that can be parked offtile and provides a route, or a canal improvement that works like a river/road hybrid.
        Last edited by Blake; November 27, 2005, 22:15.


        • #5
          Or use the Civ3 option to create an outpost (was that what it was called?) there. Make it so that the outpost automatically traded as a city (across water/coasts/rivers per your tech level). This would help a lot on Arch maps where you don't necessarily want to goto every island. I have had a needed resource on a 1 wide peninsula blocked by a mountain. Very frustrating!

