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Patch is worthless, still jerky graphics

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  • Patch is worthless, still jerky graphics

    I am about at the end of my rope with this program. I have loved all the Civ games, but I am tired of trying to get this one to work. I am trying to play the game on any map over standard size and all I get is jerky graphics. I run the game in 1024 x 768 with all the settings on low, and the damn game is still jerky.

    Athlon 2900+
    1 Gig of memory
    Geforce 6800 128 mg
    Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

    I can run about every game I have with all the graphic settings turned up with no problem, but no not with this game. I really want to play the 18 Civ mod on a huge world map, but it is too jerky to play. I have turned off the sounds, turned off the graphics that show resources and stuff and it is always jerky when I try to scroll around the world. Is there any way to fix this? I have read many threads on 4 different boards on this problem, but nothing I read ever fixes the problem. I am about to remove this game from my hard drive and write off Firaxis as a game company to avoid.

    Any way, if anyone knows how I can fix this it world be greatly appreciated. I am fed up.


  • #2
    what version drivers?

    for video, motherboard and sound that is.


    • #3
      I have the most recent drivers for MB, SC, VC. My WinXP is fully updated. I have cleared the game cache, I have tried basically every single idea I have seen in every post about this problem. Nothing works. I have turned the sound off, and that did not work.



      • #4
        I really want to play the 18 Civ mod on a huge world map, but it is too jerky to play.

        I've heard that one requires one Hell of a computer to play well... how are games with a smaller number and a smaller map?
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • #5
          How big is your Virtual Memory Page file? I had to change mine in Win XP from 'System Controlled' to Custom. It was set for only 768 to 1500 Meg on the HD.

          I made it twice the size to 2 Gig (double my RAM).

          It helps alot, but really to play the huge maps, it takes ALOT of RAM. Virtual memory will work, but it is slow unless you have a fast SATA HD.

          I can load it up on my middle road ATI 9600 pro 128 VRAM using the larger Virtual memory from HD.

          But my video card really cannot handle it, and my IDE parallel HD is just too slow to transfer the swap file. Once into the game halfway.

          An ATI 9800 with the 16 piplines and 256 VRAM should handle it in combo with a fast Serial HD.

          IE you need a Deep Blue super computer.


          • #6
            petdwag, is this what you mean by jerky graphics (please see jpgs under attached link to another thread by kakupacal)?:

            If so, then I'm another one - 1.09 didn't fix that for me at all. I've tried brand-new 5.11 drivers, but they seem to be lousy, because the game ran extremely slow, actually it looked like it hung up.
            Anyway, concerning this one and another posts that are still showing up, it seems that we have to wait for another patch...and hope that this issue will be finally addressed...

            btw: ok, forgot to mention that first I'd tried 4.09 drivers and that's when I could see corrupted graphics as those attached in kakupacal's post...THEN I tried my luck with 5.11 and as mentioned above it seemed to hung up (however graphics seem to be fine then...but the game itself was defenitely NOT playable).
            Last edited by avanti; November 26, 2005, 09:57.

