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1.09...still checkerboard after loading save games

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  • 1.09...still checkerboard after loading save games

    Patched with 109, black terrain FIXED, shields/gold/grain on tiles FIXED, so far so great

    When I load a save game (109 save) I still get that checkerboard terrain-looking pattern on the screen. I've noticed this ONLY happens when the other civs are thinking. However, after some time (has been 5-30 seconds) the pattern clears and play continues as normal. This is a vast improvement over previously, when the game delay would be 1 minute to infinity and I had to do a hard shut-down of the computer.

    Anyone else still have this problem? Is it the fabled cache? And I hold SHIFT during startup to clear the cache? Startup of what...the game initially (the splash screen), when Spock is talking or when?
    We need a pop-up (if there isn't one yet) telling us YOU HAVE DISCOVERED CACHE CLEARING
    .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......

  • #2
    Oh, well I figured out how to clear the cache. It didn't help my problem after loading a save game. Not really sure what it did at all.

    Guess I'll just have to play a quick game all in one sitting.
    .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


    • #3

      Some problems were really fixed on my computer with patch 1.09, though I think what really helped was my +512 MB DDR 400 MHz RAM (I had only 512 MB)...

      Loading time was cut by the half (huge map fully uncovered, 100+ cities...), texture problems were fixed (navigating through mini map does not make black terrain anymore), diplomacy screen does not crash to desktop nor freezer the game ad eternum :-)... but I have a GeForce FX 5200 (128 MB - 128 bits bus)...

      And about the cache, before patch 1.09 I loaded the game with this batch:

      cd \
      @ echo Pasta do Cache:
      cd C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\DadosD~1\MyGame~1\SidMei~1\ca che

      @ echo .
      @ echo Excluindo os arquivos .dat...
      del *.dat

      cd \

      @ echo .
      @ echo ...Abrindo o jogo...


      And it used to help. Now I only load the game with the proper .exe, because it does the cache clearing already. Also, I use full hardware acceleration for video settings. Thats Video Properties / Configurations / Advanced / Troubleshooting.

      Ahm, there is also that trick about disabling AGP Texture on DxDiag...

      I think this should help a little. A little.

      Daniel Silva Marques Vilela.
      Eu nunca tenho algo criativo para escrever aqui...

      See this? You've just wasted 5 precious seconds of your life reading it.

