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The diplomacy must be tweaked...

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  • The diplomacy must be tweaked...

    There are soem examples which are very stupid:
    1. The AI declares war just for the sake of it. The AI civ is usually a big laggard, has no land route for its troops and has no resourses to launch an attack from the seas. For an example - Alexander the Stupid. In my last game he declared a war at least 4 times and the best he managed was to send a pityful gallery to my shores. And after about 10 turns he agreas to peace AND even pays a tribute!
    2. About the tribute and the peace negotiations.
    Montezuma declared a stupid war (see above why is stupid). Now after ten turns I offer "to bury the hatchet" and he says "No peace until german warriors give their blood to the god" (or such). BUT: then I clicked to the "tarde offer" (first option - forgot the exact wording) and asked "what is the price for a peace", he offered peace AND offered a tribute. Just a second ago he refused the peace and now even offers tribute.
    3. In the older Civs the AI accepted peace offers when you take over a city. Now when you take a city and offer a peace, the AI don't accept it untill the ywaste few more units even if you clearly have the upper habd and their units are just wasted.

  • #2
    The AI declares war so as to pillage, destroy units, and set you back a bit. Even if it isn't taking cities it's still stopping you building libraries etc and concentrating on building lots of military units in the early game.

    A couple of times I've been bankrupted and effectively put out of the game because I couldn't support all the units I had to build to defend myself.

    I certainly don't think the AI should be made any more peaceable!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Son of David

      A couple of times I've been bankrupted and effectively put out of the game because I couldn't support all the units I had to build to defend myself.

      I certainly don't think the AI should be made any more peaceable!

      You bankrupted not because of AI, but because you cann't manage your economy. In my last Epic game prince Frederick had 16 cities, captured 2 more from Saladin, upgraded a strike force from 40+ units, supported 15+ units in every border and every shore city and 6+ units in the cities in the vicinity of the borders/shores. The research is at 100% and I get new invention every 3-6 turns (it's Epic turns) and I usually have at least 1000 golds in my upgrade reserv.


      • #4
        I doubt you will see them be so pitiful above Noble. Even on Prince they can muster up a decent force. The earlier the war starts the more likely it is that the will have more troops than you.

        Anyway a few games is not enough to draw conclusions. Hundreds of players with scores of games maybe meaningful.


        • #5
          When I mean "pityful", I mean civs which are at the bottom 3-4 places of the civs ladder. They are those which often declare meaninglesss wars. But I guess the leaders individuality matters too.

